Karty kredytowe porównanie w Polsce - oferty kart kredytowych.

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Karty kredytowe w Polsce
W 2020 populacja Polski liczyła 38,4 miliony z PKB (produkt krajowy brutto) które wyniosło 521,5 miliony euro. Przekłada się to na 13.600 euro PKP na osobę, co jest trzecim najniższym PKB po Bułgarii i Rumunii. Polska stanowi 3,9% całkowitego PKB w UE.

Na dzień 31 grudnia 2020 roku wydano 43.675.200 karty płatnicze w Polsce (1,14 karty na osobę). Odnotowano wzrost 685.300, czyli 1,59% w porównaniu z 42.989.900 kartami wydanymi w roku 2019. W Polsce funkcjonuje 5.416.900 kart kredytowych na dzień 31 grudnia 2020. Spadek 369.400, czyli 6,38% w porównaniu do 5.786.300 w roku 2019. Liczba karty debetowych wzrosła o 1.054.900 lub 2,84%, co w całości w 2020 roku wynosiło 38.258.400 kart, w porównaniu do 37.203.500 kart w roku 2019.

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Łączna kwota płatności kartą w wartości liczbowej i wartości transakcji

W roku 2020 wykonano 6.090,7 miliony płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce (158,61 transakcje na osobę). Był to znaczący wzrost o 369,8 miliona transakcji czyli 6,46% w porównaniu do 5.720,9 miliona transakcji w roku 2019. Z tych transakcji 435,1 miliony lub 7,14% to transakcje wykonane przy pomocy karty kredytowej, jest to spadek o 32,6 miliony czyli 6,97% w porównaniu do 467,7 miliona transakcji w roku 2019. Pozostałe płatności kartą (5.655,6 miliony) zostały wykonane przy użyciu kart debetowych, co pokazuje wzrost o 402,5 miliony transakcji czyli 7,66% w porównaniu do 5.253,1 miliona transakcji ww roku 2019. Całkowity wolumen transakcji kartą płatniczą wykonane w Polsce przyczynia się w 9,6% do całościowego wolumenu transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Liczba wszystkich płatności kartą w 2020 roku to wartość 86,3 miliardów euro (2.390,6 euro na osobę), wzrost o 5,5 miliardów euro czyli 6,38% w porównaniu do 86,3 miliardów euro w roku 2019. Z tych transakcji 10,2 miliardów euro lub 11,11% płacone jest kartami kredytowymi, co pokazuje spadek w wysokości 1,2 miliardów euro lub 10,53% w porównaniu do 11,4 miliardów euro w 2019 roku. Reszta płatności wykonywanych kartą, 81,6 miliardów euro jest wykonywana kartą debetową. Wzrost o 6,6 miliardów czyli 8,80% w porównaniu do 75,0 miliardów euro w 2019 roku. Całkowita wartość płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce stanowi 3,9% całkowitej wartości transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Karty kredytowe w Polsce 2018-2019

W 2019 populacja Polski liczyła 38,4 miliony z PKB (produkt krajowy brutto) które wyniosło 533,6 miliony euro. Przekłada się to na 13.900 euro PKP na osobę, co jest trzecim najniższym PKB po Bułgarii i Rumunii. Polska stanowi 3,8% całkowitego PKB w UE.

Na dzień 31 grudnia 2019 roku wydano 42.989.900 karty płatnicze w Polsce (1,12 karty na osobę). Odnotowano wzrost 1.752.600, czyli 4,25% w porównaniu z 41.237.300 kartami wydanymi w roku 2018. W Polsce funkcjonuje 5.786.300 kart kredytowych na dzień 31 grudnia 2019. Spadek 88.300, czyli 1,50% w porównaniu do 5.874.600 w roku 2018. Liczba karty debetowych wzrosła o 1.840.700 lub 5,21%, co w całości w 2019 roku wynosiło 37.203.500 kart, w porównaniu do 35.362.800 kart w roku 2018.

Łączna kwota płatności kartą w wartości liczbowej i wartości transakcji
W roku 2019 wykonano 5.720,9 miliony płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce (148,98 transakcje na osobę). Był to znaczący wzrost o 1.007,7 miliona transakcji czyli 21,38% w porównaniu do 4.713,2 miliona transakcji w roku 2018. Z tych transakcji 467,7 miliony lub 8,18% to transakcje wykonane przy pomocy karty kredytowej, jest to wzrost o 47,7 miliony czyli 11,36% w porównaniu do 420,0 miliona transakcji w roku 2018. Pozostałe płatności kartą (5.253,1 miliony) zostały wykonane przy użyciu kart debetowych, co pokazuje wzrost o 959,9 miliony transakcji czyli 22,36% w porównaniu do 4.293,2 miliona transakcji ww roku 2018. Całkowity wolumen transakcji kartą płatniczą wykonane w Polsce przyczynia się w 9,2% do całościowego wolumenu transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Liczba wszystkich płatności kartą w 2019 roku to wartość 86,3 miliardów euro (2.247,4 euro na osobę), wzrost o 13,2 miliardów euro czyli 18,06% w porównaniu do 73,1 miliardów euro w roku 2018. To pokazuje, że wartość transakcji na osobę zmalała z 15,5 euro w 2018 roku do 15,1 euro w roku 2019. Z tych transakcji 11,4 miliardów euro lub 13,21% płacone jest kartami kredytowymi, co pokazuje wzrost w wysokości 1,1 miliardów euro lub 10,68% w porównaniu do 10,3 miliardów euro w 2018 roku. Reszta płatności wykonywanych kartą, 75,0 miliardów euro jest wykonywana kartą debetową. Wzrost o 12,2 miliardów czyli 19,43% w porównaniu do 62,8 miliardów euro w 2018 roku. Całkowita wartość płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce stanowi 3,7% całkowitej wartości transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Karty kredytowe w Polsce 2017-2018

W 2018 populacja Polski liczyła 38,4 miliony z PKB (produkt krajowy brutto) które wyniosło 497,6 miliony euro. Przekłada się to na 13.000 euro PKP na osobę, co jest trzecim najniższym PKB po Bułgarii i Rumunii. Polska stanowi 3,1% całkowitego PKB w UE.

Na dzień 31 grudnia 2018 roku wydano 41.237.300 karty płatnicze w Polsce (1,07 karty na osobę). Odnotowano wzrost 2.141.400, czyli 5,48% w porównaniu z 39.095.900 kartami wydanymi w roku 2017. W Polsce funkcjonuje 5.874.600 kart kredytowych na dzień 31 grudnia 2018. Wzrost 59.300, czyli 1,02% w porównaniu do 5.815.300 w roku 2017. Liczba karty debetowych wzrosła o 2.082.300 lub 6,26%, co w całości w 2018 roku wynosiło 35.362.800 kart, w porównaniu do 33.280.500 kart w roku 2017.

Łączna kwota płatności kartą w wartości liczbowej i wartości transakcji
W roku 2018 wykonano 4.713,2 miliony płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce (122,74 transakcje na osobę). Był to znaczący wzrost o 847,7 miliona transakcji czyli 21,93% w porównaniu do 3.865,5 miliona transakcji w roku 2017. Z tych transakcji 420,0 miliony lub 8,91% to transakcje wykonane przy pomocy karty kredytowej, jest to wzrost o 45,5 miliony czyli 12,15% w porównaniu do 374,5 miliona transakcji w roku 2017. Pozostałe płatności kartą (4.293,2 miliony) zostały wykonane przy użyciu kart debetowych, co pokazuje wzrost o 802,1 miliony transakcji czyli 22,98% w porównaniu do 3,491.1 miliona transakcji ww roku 2017. Całkowity wolumen transakcji kartą płatniczą wykonane w Polsce przyczynia się w 6,1% do całościowego wolumenu transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Liczba wszystkich płatności kartą w 2018 roku to wartość 73,1 miliardów euro (1.903,6 euro na osobę), wzrost o 12,0 miliardów euro czyli 19,64% w porównaniu do 61,1 miliardów euro w roku 2017. To pokazuje, że wartość transakcji na osobę zmalała z 15,8 euro w 2017 roku do 15,5 euro w roku 2018. Z tych transakcji 10,3 miliardów euro lub 14,09% płacone jest kartami kredytowymi, co pokazuje wzrost w wysokości 1,0 miliardów euro lub 10,75% w porównaniu do 9,3 miliardów euro w 2017 roku. Reszta płatności wykonywanych kartą, 62,8 miliardów euro jest wykonywana kartą debetową. Wzrost o 11,0 miliardów czyli 21,24% w porównaniu do 51,8 miliardów euro w 2017 roku. Całkowita wartość płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce stanowi 2,2% całkowitej wartości transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Karty kredytowe w Polsce 2016-2017

W 2017 populacja Polski liczyła 38,4 miliony z PKB (produkt krajowy brutto) które wyniosło 467,3 miliony euro. Przekłada się to na 12.200 euro PKP na osobę, co jest trzecim najniższym PKB po Bułgarii i Rumunii. Polska stanowi 3,0% całkowitego PKB w UE.

Na dzień 31 grudnia 2017 roku wydano 39.095.900 karty płatnicze w Polsce (1,02 karty na osobę). Odnotowano wzrost 2.221.400, czyli 6,02% w porównaniu z 36.874.500 kartami wydanymi w roku 2016. W Polsce funkcjonuje 5.815.300 kart kredytowych na dzień 31 grudnia 2017. Spadek 69.400, czyli 1,18% w porównaniu do 5.884.700 w roku 2016. Liczba karty debetowych wzrosła o 2.290.700 lub 7,39%, co w całości w 2017 roku wynosiło 33.280.500 kart, w porównaniu do 30.989.800 kart w roku 2016.

Łączna kwota płatności kartą w wartości liczbowej i wartości transakcji
W roku 2017 wykonano 3.865,5 miliony płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce (100,66 transakcje na osobę). Był to znaczący wzrost o 663,2 miliona transakcji czyli 20,71% w porównaniu do 3.202,3 miliona transakcji w roku 2016. Z tych transakcji 374,5 miliony lub 9,69% to transakcje wykonane przy pomocy karty kredytowej, jest to wzrost o 35,4 miliony czyli 10,44% w porównaniu do 339,1 miliona transakcji w roku 2016. Pozostałe płatności kartą (3,491.1 miliony) zostały wykonane przy użyciu kart debetowych, co pokazuje wzrost o 627,9 miliony transakcji czyli 21,93% w porównaniu do 2.863,2 miliona transakcji ww roku 2016. Całkowity wolumen transakcji kartą płatniczą wykonane w Polsce przyczynia się w 5,6% do całościowego wolumenu transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Liczba wszystkich płatności kartą w 2017 roku to wartość 61,1 miliardów euro (1.591,1 euro na osobę), wzrost o 10,7 miliardów euro czyli 21,23% w porównaniu do 50,4 miliardów euro w roku 2016. To pokazuje, że wartość transakcji na osobę zwiększony z 15,7 euro w 2016 roku do 15,8 euro w roku 2017. Z tych transakcji 9,3 miliardów euro lub 15,22% płacone jest kartami kredytowymi, co pokazuje wzrost w wysokości 1,0 miliardów euro lub 12,05% w porównaniu do 8,3 miliardów euro w 2016 roku. Reszta płatności wykonywanych kartą, 51,8 miliardów euro jest wykonywana kartą debetową. Wzrost o 9,7 miliardów czyli 12,05% w porównaniu do 42,1 miliardów euro w 2016 roku. Całkowita wartość płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce stanowi 2,0% całkowitej wartości transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Karty kredytowe w Polsce 2015-2016

W 2016 populacja Polski liczyła 38,4 miliony z PKB (produkt krajowy brutto) które wyniosło 425,9 miliony euro. Przekłada się to na 11.100 euro PKP na osobę, co jest trzecim najniższym PKB po Bułgarii i Rumunii. Polska stanowi 2,9% całkowitego PKB w UE.

Na dzień 31 grudnia 2016 roku wydano 36.874.500 karty płatnicze w Polsce (0,96 karty na osobę). Odnotowano wzrost 1.665.500, czyli 4,73% w porównaniu z 35.209.000 kartami wydanymi w roku 2015. W Polsce funkcjonuje 5.884.700 kart kredytowych na dzień 31 grudnia 2016. Wzrost 77.100, czyli 1,33% w porównaniu do 5.807.600 w roku 2015. Liczba karty debetowych wzrosła o 1.588.300 lub 5,40%, co w całości w 2016 roku wynosiło 30.989.800 kart, w porównaniu do 29.401.500 kart w roku 2015.

Łączna kwota płatności kartą w wartości liczbowej i wartości transakcji
W roku 2016 wykonano 3.202,3 miliony płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce (83,39 transakcje na osobę). Był to znaczący wzrost o 645,6 miliona transakcji czyli 25,25% w porównaniu do 2.556,7 miliona transakcji w roku 2015. Z tych transakcji 339,1 miliony lub 10,59% to transakcje wykonane przy pomocy karty kredytowej, jest to wzrost o 44,2 miliony czyli 14,99% w porównaniu do 294,9 miliona transakcji w roku 2015. Pozostałe płatności kartą (2.863,2 miliony) zostały wykonane przy użyciu kart debetowych, co pokazuje wzrost o 601,4 miliony transakcji czyli 26,59% w porównaniu do 2.261,8 miliona transakcji ww roku 2015. Całkowity wolumen transakcji kartą płatniczą wykonane w Polsce przyczynia się w 5,1% do całościowego wolumenu transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Liczba wszystkich płatności kartą w 2016 roku to wartość 50,4 miliardów euro (1.312,5 euro na osobę), wzrost o 6,7 miliardów euro czyli 15,33% w porównaniu do 43,7 miliardów euro w roku 2015. To pokazuje, że wartość transakcji na osobę zmalała z 17,1 euro w 2015 roku do 15,7 euro w roku 2016. Z tych transakcji 8,3 miliardów euro lub 16,47% płacone jest kartami kredytowymi, co pokazuje wzrost w wysokości 0,8 miliardów euro lub 10,67% w porównaniu do 7,5 miliardów euro w 2015 roku. Reszta płatności wykonywanych kartą, 42,1 miliardów euro jest wykonywana kartą debetową. Wzrost o 6 miliardów czyli 16,62% w porównaniu do 36,1 miliardów euro w 2015 roku. Całkowita wartość płatności kartą płatniczą w Polsce stanowi 1,7% całkowitej wartości transakcji w Unii Europejskiej.

Credit Cards in Poland 2019-2020

As of 2020, Poland has a population of 38.4 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €521.5 billions. This translates into €13,600 of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 3.9% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2020, there are 43,675,200 payment cards issued in Poland(1.14 cards per capita), an increase of 685,300 or 1.59% compares to 42,989,900 in 2019. There are 5,416,900 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2020, a decrease of 369,400 or 6.38% compares to 5,786,300 in 2019. Debit cards increase by 1,054,900 or 2.84% to 38,258,400 in 2020, compares to 37,203,500 in 2019.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2020, there are 6,090.7 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(158.61 transactions per capita), an increase of 369.8 millions or 6.46% compares to 5,720.9 millions in 2019. Out of these transactions, 435.1 millions or 7.14% is paid by credit cards, a decrease of 32.6 millions or 6.97% compares to 467.7 millions in 2019. The rest of card payment transactions(5,655.6 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 402.5 millions or 7.66% compares to 5,253.1 millions in 2019. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 9.6% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2020 is €91.8 billions in value(€2,390.6 per capita), an increase of €5.5 billions or 6.38% compares to €86.3 billions in 2019. This also translates into €15.1 per card payment transaction, similar to 2019. Out of these transactions, €10.2 billions or 11.11% is paid by credit cards, a decrease of €1.2 billions or 10.53% compares to €11.4 billions in 2019. The rest of card payments, €81.6 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €6.6 billions or 8.80% compares to €75.0 billions in 2019. Poland total card payment value contributes 3.9% to the EU total transactions value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2018-2019

As of 2019, Poland has a population of 38.4 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €533.6 billions. This translates into €13,900 of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 3.8% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2019, there are 42,989,900 payment cards issued in Poland(1.12 cards per capita), an increase of 1,752,600 or 4.25% compares to 41,237,300 in 2018. There are 5,786,300 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2019, a decrease of 88,300 or 1.50% compares to 5,874,600 in 2018. Debit cards increase by 1,840,700 or 5.21% to 37,203,500 in 2019, compares to 35,362,800 in 2018.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2019, there are 5,720.9 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(148.98 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 1,007.7 millions or 21.38% compares to 4,713.2 millions in 2018. Out of these transactions, 467.7 millions or 8.18% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 47.7 millions or 11.36% compares to 420.0 millions in 2018. The rest of card payment transactions(5,253.1 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 959.9 millions or 22.36% compares to 4,293.2 millions in 2018. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 9.2% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2019 is €86.3 billions in value(€2,247.4 per capita), an increase of €13.2 billions or 18.06% compares to €73.1 billions in 2018. This also translates into €15.1 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €15.5 in 2018. Out of these transactions, €11.4 billions or 13.21% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €1.1 billions or 10.68% compares to €10.3 billions in 2018. The rest of card payments, €75.0 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €12.2 billions or 19.43% compares to €62.8 billions in 2018. Poland total card payment value contributes 3.7% to the EU total transactions value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2017-2018

As of 2018, Poland has a population of 38.4 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €497.6 billions. This translates into €13,000 of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 3.1% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2018, there are 41,237,300 payment cards issued in Poland(1.07 cards per capita), an increase of 2,141,400 or 5.48% compares to 39,095,900 in 2017. There are 5,874,600 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2018, an increase of 59,300 or 1.02% compares to 5,815,300 in 2017. Debit cards increase by 2,082,300 or 6.26% to 35,362,800 in 2018, compares to 33,280,500 in 2017.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2018, there are 4,713.2 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(122.74 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 847.7 millions or 21.93% compares to 3,865.5 millions in 2017. Out of these transactions, 420.0 millions or 8.91% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 45.5 millions or 12.15% compares to 374.5 millions in 2017. The rest of card payment transactions(4,293.2 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 802.1 millions or 22.98% compares to 3,491.1 millions in 2017. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 6.1% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2018 is €73.1 billions in value(€1,903.6 per capita), an increase of €12.0 billions or 19.64% compares to €61.1 billions in 2017. This also translates into €15.5 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €15.8 in 2017. Out of these transactions, €10.3 billions or 14.09% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €1.0 billions or 10.75% compares to €9.3 billions in 2017. The rest of card payments, €62.8 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €11.0 billions or 21.24% compares to €51.8 billions in 2017. Poland total card payment value contributes 2.2% to the EU total transactions value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2016-2017

As of 2017, Poland has a population of 38.4 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €467.3 billions. This translates into €12,200 of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 3.0% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2017, there are 39,095,900 payment cards issued in Poland(1.02 cards per capita), an increase of 2,221,400 or 6.02% compares to 36,874,500 in 2016. There are 5,815,300 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2017, a decrease of 69,400 or 1.18% compares to 5,884,700 in 2016. Debit cards increase by 2,290,700 or 7.39% to 33,280,500 in 2017, compares to 30,989,800 in 2016.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2017, there are 3,865.5 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(100.66 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 663.2 millions or 20.71% compares to 3,202.3 millions in 2016. Out of these transactions, 374.5 millions or 9.69% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 35.4 millions or 10.44% compares to 339.1 millions in 2016. The rest of card payment transactions(3,491.1 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 627.9 millions or 21.93% compares to 2,863.2 millions in 2016. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 5.6% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2017 is €61.1 billions in value(€1,591.1 per capita), an increase of €10.7 billions or 21.23% compares to €50.4 billions in 2016. This also translates into €15.8 per card payment transaction, an increase from €15.7 in 2016. Out of these transactions, €9.3 billions or 15.22% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €1.0 billions or 12.05% compares to €8.3 billions in 2016. The rest of card payments, €51.8 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €9.7 billions or 23.04% compares to €42.1 billions in 2016. Poland total card payment value contributes 2.0% to the EU total transactions value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2015-2016

As of 2016, Poland has a population of 38.4 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €425.9 billions. This translates into €11,100 of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 2.9% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2016, there are 36,874,500 payment cards issued in Poland(0.96 cards per capita), an increase of 1,665,500 or 4.73% compares to 35,209,000 in 2015. There are 5,884,700 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2016, an increase of 77,100 or 1.33% compares to 5,807,600 in 2015. Debit cards increase by 1,588,300 or 5.40% to 30,989,800 in 2016, compares to 29,401,500 in 2015.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2016, there are 3,202.3 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(83.39 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 645.6 millions or 25.25% compares to 2,556.7 millions in 2015. Out of these transactions, 339.1 millions or 10.59% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 44.2 millions or 14.99% compares to 294.9 millions in 2015. The rest of card payment transactions(2,863.2 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 601.4 millions or 26.59% compares to 2,261.8 millions in 2015. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 5.1% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2016 is €50.4 billions in value(€1,312.5 per capita), an increase of €6.7 billions or 15.33% compares to €43.7 billions in 2015. This also translates into €15.7 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €17.1 in 2015. Out of these transactions, €8.3 billions or 16.47% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.8 billions or 10.67% compares to €7.5 billions in 2015. The rest of card payments, €42.1 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €6 billions or 16.62% compares to €36.1 billions in 2015. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.7% to the EU total transactions value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2014-2015

As of 2015, Poland has a population of 38.46 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €427.74 billions. This translates into €11.12 thousands of GDP per capita, the fifth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Hungary. Poland contributes 2.91% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2015, there are 35,209,040 payment cards issued in Poland(0.92 cards per capita), a decrease of 859,780 or 2.38% compares to 36,068,820 in 2014. There are 5,807,560 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2015, a decrease of 234,440 or 3.88% compares to 6,042,000 in 2014. Debit cards decrease by 625,340 or 2.08% to 29,401,480 in 2015, compares to 30,026,820 in 2014.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2015, there are 2,556.72 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(66.48 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 684.05 millions or 36.53% compares to 1,872.67 millions in 2014. Out of these transactions, 294.88 millions or 11.53% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 31.77 millions or 12.07% compares to 263.11 millions in 2014. The rest of card payment transactions(2,261.84 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 652.28 millions or 40.53% compares to 1,609.56 millions in 2014. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 4.83% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2015 is €43.68 billions in value(€1.14 thousands per capita), an increase of €6.17 billions or 16.45% compares to €37.51 billions in 2014. This also translates into €17.1 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €20.0 in 2014. Out of these transactions, €7.55 billions or 17.28% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.10 billions or 1.34% compares to €7.45 billions in 2014. The rest of card payments, €36.13 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €6.07 billions or 20.19% compares to €30.06 billions in 2014. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.69% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2015, 3.88% decrease in the number of credit cards issued in Poland does not affect the growth of credit card transactions total volume and value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2013-2014

As of 2014, Poland has a population of 38.48 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €410.86 billions. This translates into €10.68 thousands of GDP per capita, the fifth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Hungary. Poland contributes 2.94% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2014, there are 36,068,820 payment cards issued in Poland(0.94 cards per capita), an increase of 1,410,170 or 4.07% compares to 34,658,650 in 2013. There are 6,042,000 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2014, a decrease of 91,650 or 1.49% compares to 6,133,650 in 2013. Debit cards increase by 1,501,820 or 5.26% to 30,026,820 in 2014, compares to 28,525,000 in 2013.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2014, there are 1,872.67 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(48.67 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 424.01 millions or 29.27% compares to 1,448.66 millions in 2013. Out of these transactions, 263.11 millions or 14.05% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 28.70 millions or 12.24% compares to 234.41 millions in 2013. The rest of card payment transactions(1,609.56 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 395.39 millions or 32.56% compares to 1,214.17 millions in 2013. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 3.94% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2014 is €37.51 billions in value(€0.97 thousands per capita), an increase of €5.72 billions or 17.99% compares to €31.79 billions in 2013. This also translates into €20.0 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €21.9 in 2013. Out of these transactions, €7.45 billions or 19.86% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.45 billions or 6.43% compares to €7.00 billions in 2013. The rest of card payments, €30.06 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €5.27 billions or 21.26% compares to €24.79 billions in 2013. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.61% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2014, 1.49% decrease in the number of credit cards issued in Poland does not affect the growth of credit card transactions total volume and value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2012-2013

As of 2013, Poland has a population of 38.50 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €396.11 billions. This translates into €10.29 thousands of GDP per capita, the fifth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Hungary. Poland contributes 2.93% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2013, there are 34,658,650 payment cards issued in Poland(0.90 cards per capita), an increase of 1,558,590 or 4.71% compares to 33,100,060 in 2012. There are 6,133,650 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2013, a decrease of 314,490 or 4.88% compares to 6,448,140 in 2012. Debit cards increase by 1,682,030 or 6.27% to 28,525,000 in 2013, compares to 26,842,970 in 2012.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2013, there are 1,448.66 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(37.62 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 233.07 millions or 19.17% compares to 1,215.59 millions in 2012. Out of these transactions, 234.41 millions or 16.18% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 32.17 millions or 15.91% compares to 202.24 millions in 2012. The rest of card payment transactions(1,214.17 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 200.82 millions or 19.82% compares to 1,013.35 millions in 2012. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 3.32% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2013 is €31.79 billions in value(€0.83 thousands per capita), an increase of €3.13 billions or 10.92% compares to €28.66 billions in 2012. This also translates into €21.9 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €23.6 in 2012. Out of these transactions, €7.00 billions or 22.02% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.78 billions or 12.54% compares to €6.22 billions in 2012. The rest of card payments, €24.79 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €2.35 billions or 10.47% compares to €22.44 billions in 2012. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.47% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2013, 4.88% decrease in the number of credit cards issued in Poland does not affect the growth of credit card transactions total volume and value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2011-2012

As of 2012, Poland has a population of 38.53 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €386.14 billions. This translates into €10.02 thousands of GDP per capita, the fourth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Poland contributes 2.88% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2012, there are 33,100,060 payment cards issued in Poland(0.86 cards per capita), a small increase of 1,055,110 or 3.29% compares to 32,044,950 in 2011. There are 6,448,140 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2012, a decrease of 501,030 or 7.21% compares to 6,949,170 in 2011. Debit cards increase by 1,747,190 or 6.96% to 26,842,970 in 2012, compares to 25,095,780 in 2011.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2012, there are 1,215.59 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(31.55 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 189.60 millions or 18.48% compares to 1,025.99 millions in 2011. Out of these transactions, 202.24 millions or 16.64% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 14.81 millions or 7.90% compares to 187.43 millions in 2011. The rest of card payment transactions(1,013.35 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 174.79 millions or 20.84% compares to 838.56 millions in 2011. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 3.05% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2012 is €28.66 billions in value(€0.74 thousands per capita), an increase of €3.07 billions or 12.00% compares to €25.59 billions in 2011. This also translates into €23.6 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €24.9 in 2011. Out of these transactions, €6.22 billions or 21.70% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.42 billions or 7.24% compares to €5.80 billions in 2011. The rest of card payments, €22.44 billions in value is paid by debit cards, a significant increase of €2.47 billions or 12.37% compares to €19.97 billions in 2011. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.40% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2012, 7.21% decrease in the number of credit cards issued in Poland does not affect the growth of credit card transactions total volume and value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2010-2011

As of 2011, Poland has a population of 38.53 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €377.03 billions. This translates into €9.79 thousands of GDP per capita, the fourth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. Poland contributes 2.87% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2011, there are 32,044,950 payment cards issued in Poland(0.83 cards per capita), a small increase of 61,160 or 0.19% compares to 31,983,790 in 2010. There are 6,949,170 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2011, a significant decrease of 1,952,120 or 21.93% compares to 8,901,290 in 2010. Debit cards increase by 2,013,280 or 8.72% to 25,095,780 in 2011, compares to 23,082,500 in 2010.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2011, there are 1,025.99 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(26.63 transactions per capita), a significant increase of 181.76 millions or 21.53% compares to 844.23 millions in 2010. Out of these transactions, 187.43 millions or 18.27% is paid by credit cards, a decrease of 12.2 millions or 6.96% compares to 175.23 millions in 2010. The rest of card payment transactions(838.56 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 169.55 millions or 25.34% compares to 669.01 millions in 2010. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 2.76% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2011 is €25.59 billions in value(€0.66 thousands per capita), an increase of €3.1 billions or 13.78% compares to €22.49 billions in 2010. This also translates into €24.9 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €26.6 in 2010. Out of these transactions, €5.80 billions or 22.67% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.21 billions or 3.76% compares to €5.59 billions in 2010. The rest of card payments, €19.97 billions in value is paid by debit cards, a significant increase of €2.89 billions or 17.10% compares to €16.9 billions in 2010. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.34% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2011, significant decrease in the number of credit cards issued in Poland has affected the transactions volume, but the transactions value has continued to grow.

Credit Cards in Poland 2009-2010

As of 2010, Poland has a population of 38.52 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €359.82 billions. This translates into €9.34 thousands of GDP per capita, the fifth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania. Poland contributes 2.82% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2010, there are 31,983,790 payment cards issued in Poland(0.83 cards per capita), a decrease of 1,228,870 or 3.7% compares to 33,212,660 in 2009. There are 8,901,290 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2010, a significant decrease of 1,957,130 or 18.02% compares to 10,858,420 in 2009. Debit cards increase by 728,250 or 3.15% to 23,082,500 in 2010, compares to 22,354,250 in 2009.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2010, there are 844.23 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(21.92 transactions per capita), an increase of 140.32 millions or 19.93% compares to 703.91 millions in 2009. Out of these transactions, 175.23 millions or 20.76% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 13.83 millions or 8.57% compares to 161.40 millions in 2009. The rest of card payment transactions(669.01 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 126.51 millions or 23.32% compares to 542.5 millions in 2009. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 2.49% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2010 is €22.49 billions in value(€0.58 thousands per capita), a significant increase of €4.58 billions or 25.57% compares to €17.91 billions in 2009. This also translates into €26.6 per card payment transaction, an increase from €25.4 in 2009. Out of these transactions, €5.59 billions or 24.86% is paid by credit cards, a significant increase of €0.88 billions or 18.68% compares to €4.71 billions in 2009. The rest of card payments, €16.9 billions in value is paid by debit cards, a significant increase of €3.69 billions or 27.93% compares to €13.21 billions in 2009. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.27% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2010, decrease in the number of cards issued in Poland does not affect the growth of total card payments volume and value.

Credit Cards in Poland 2008-2009

As of 2009, Poland has a population of 38.15 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €310.08 billions. This translates into €8.13 thousands of GDP per capita, the fourth lowest after Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. Poland contributes 2.63% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2009, there are 33,212,660 payment cards issued in Poland(0.87 cards per capita), an increase of 2,937,200 or 9.7% compares to 30,275,460 in 2008. There are 10,858,420 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2009, a significant increase of 1,453,830 or 15.46% compares to 9,404,590 in 2008. Debit cards increase by 1,483,380 or 7.11% to 22,354,250 in 2009, compares to 20,870,870 in 2008.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2009, there are 703.91 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(18.45 transactions per capita), an increase of 127.24 millions or 22.06% compares to 576.67 millions in 2008. Out of these transactions, 161.40 millions or 22.93% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 24.3 millions or 17.72% compares to 137.10 millions in 2008. The rest of card payment transactions(542.5 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 102.93 millions or 23.41% compares to 439.57 millions in 2008. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 2.23% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2009 is €17.91 billions in value(€0.47 thousands per capita), a decrease of €1.43 billions or 7.39% compares to €19.34 billions in 2008. This also translates into €25.4 per card payment transaction, a decrease from €33.5 in 2008. This means payment cards are used for increasingly smaller amount purchases. Out of these transactions, €4.71 billions or 26.3% is paid by credit cards, a decrease of €0.47 billions or 9.07% compares to €5.18 billions in 2008. The rest of card payments, €13.21 billions in value is paid by debit cards, a decrease of €0.94 billions or 6.64% compares to €14.15 billions in 2008. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.10% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2009, Poland records a significant growth in number of cards issued as well as the total card payments in volume. However, the total card payments in value has contracted by 7.39% as more people in Poland is using payment cards for small amount purchases(from €33.5 per card payment transaction in 2008 to €25.4 in 2009).

Credit Cards in Poland 2007-2008

As of 2008, Poland has a population of 38.12 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of €362.10 billions. This translates into €9.50 thousands of GDP per capita, the third lowest after Bulgaria and Romania. Poland contributes 2.89% of the EU total GDP.

As at 31st December 2008, there are 30,275,460 payment cards issued in Poland(0.79 cards per capita), an increase of 3,779,300 or 14.26% compares to 26,496,160 in 2007. There are 9,404,590 credit cards in Poland as at 31st December 2008, a significant increase of 1,592,090 or 20.38% compares to 7,812,500 in 2007. Debit cards increase by 2,187,210 or 11.71% to 20,870,870 in 2008, compares to 18,683,660 in 2007.

Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2008, there are 576.67 millions of card payment transactions in Poland(15.13 transactions per capita), an increase of 114.9 millions or 24.88% compares to 461.77 millions in 2007. Out of these transactions, 137.10 millions or 23.77% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 25.91 millions or 23.30% compares to 111.19 millions in 2007. The rest of card payment transactions(439.57 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 88.99 millions or 25.38% compares to 350.58 millions in 2007. Poland total card payment transactions volume contributes 1.96% to the EU total number of transactions.

The total card payments for 2008 is €19.34 billions in value(€0.51 thousands per capita), an increase of €4.82 billions or 33.2% compares to €14.52 billions in 2007. This also translates into €33.5 per card payment transaction, an increase from €31.4 in 2007. Out of these transactions, €5.18 billions or 26.78% is paid by credit cards, an increase of €0.95 billions or 22.46% compares to €4.23 billions in 2007. The rest of card payments, €14.15 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of €3.86 billions or 37.51% compares to €10.29 billions in 2007. Poland total card payment value contributes 1.15% to the EU total transactions value.

In 2008, Poland records a significant growth in number of cards issued, as well as the total card payments in volume and value.


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