Credit Cards in Switzerland 2019-2020
As at 31st December 2020, there are 7,981,882 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 763,631 or 10.58% compares to 7,218,251 in 2019.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 321,099 or 2.97% to 11,120,101 in 2020, compares to 10,799,002 in 2019.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2020, there are 514.52 millions of credit card payment transactions, a decrease of 15.04 millions or 2.84% compares to 529.56 millions in 2019.
Out of 514.52 millions transactions, 344.848 millions or 67.02% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 15.378 millions or 4.67% compares to 329.470 millions in 2019.
169.672 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, a decrease of 30.419 millions or 15.20% compares to 200.091 millions in 2019.
The total credit card payments for 2020 is CHF$39.48 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$7.17 billions or 15.37% compares to CHF$46.65 billions in 2019.
The decrease in total value for credit card transactions in 2020 is tandem with the decreased in total number of credit card transactions recorded.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$88 per transaction in 2019 to CHF$77 per transaction in 2020.
Out of CHF$39.48 billions, CHF$25.71 billions(CHF$75 per transaction) or 65.12% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.26 billions or 1.02% compares to CHF$25.45 billions(CHF$77 per transaction) in 2019.
CHF$13.76 billions(CHF$81 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, a decrease of CHF$7.44 billions or 35.09% compares to CHF$21.20 billions(CHF$106 per transaction) in 2019.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2020, there are 5.064 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, a decrease of 1.824 millions or 26.48% compares to 6.888 millions in 2019.
Out of 5.064 millions cash withdrawals, 3.607 millions or 71.23% transactions is recorded domestically, a decrease of 0.552 millions or 13.27% compares to 4.159 millions in 2019.
1.457 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, a decrease of 1.272 millions or 46.61% compares to 2.729 millions in 2019.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2020 is CHF$1.416 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.360 billions or 20.27% compares to CHF$1.776 billions in 2019.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for larger amount, from CHF$258 per cash withdrawals in 2019 to CHF$280 per cash withdrawals in 2020. Out of CHF$1.416 billions,
CHF$977 millions(CHF$271 per transaction) or 69.00% is recorded domestically, a decrease of CHF$93 millions or 8.69% compares to CHF$1,070 millions(CHF$257 per transaction) in 2019.
CHF$439 millions(CHF$301 per transaction) is recorded abroad, a decrease of CHF$267 millions or 37.82% compares to CHF$706 millions(CHF$259 per transaction) in 2019.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2018-2019
As at 31st December 2019, there are 7,218,251 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 303,978 or 4.40% compares to 6,914,273 in 2018.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 157,235 or 1.48% to 10,799,002 in 2019, compares to 10,641,767 in 2018.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2019, there are 529.56 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 64.18 millions or 13.79% compares to 465.38 millions in 2018.
Out of 529.56 millions transactions, 329.470 millions or 60.65% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 47.208 millions or 16.72% compares to 282.262 millions in 2018.
200.091 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 16.977 millions or 9.27% compares to 183.114 millions in 2018.
The total credit card payments for 2019 is CHF$46.65 billions in value, an increase of CHF$2.79 billions or 6.36% compares to CHF$43.86 billions in 2018.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2019 is slower than the increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$94 per transaction in 2018 to CHF$88 per transaction in 2019.
Out of CHF$46.65 billions, CHF$25.45 billions(CHF$77 per transaction) or 54.56% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$2.16 billions or 9.27% compares to CHF$23.29 billions(CHF$83 per transaction) in 2018.
CHF$21.20 billions(CHF$106 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$0.63 billions or 3.06% compares to CHF$20.57 billions(CHF$112 per transaction) in 2018.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2019, there are 6.888 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, a decrease of 0.146 millions or 2.08% compares to 7.034 millions in 2018.
Out of 6.888 millions cash withdrawals, 4.159 millions or 60.38% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.092 millions or 2.26% compares to 4.067 millions in 2018.
2.729 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, a decrease of 0.238 millions or 8.02% compares to 2.967 millions in 2018.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2019 is CHF$1.776 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.056 billions or 3.06% compares to CHF$1.832 billions in 2018.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for slightly smaller amount, from CHF$260 per cash withdrawals in 2018 to CHF$258 per cash withdrawals in 2019. Out of CHF$1.776 billions,
CHF$1,070 millions(CHF$257 per transaction) or 57.92% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$15 millions or 1.42% compares to CHF$1,055 millions(CHF$259 per transaction) in 2018.
CHF$706 millions(CHF$259 per transaction) is recorded abroad, a decrease of CHF$71 millions or 9.14% compares to CHF$777 millions(CHF$262 per transaction) in 2018.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2017-2018
As at 31st December 2018, there are 6,914,273 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 335,538 or 5.10% compares to 6,578,735 in 2017.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 135,734 or 1.29% to 10,641,767 in 2018, compares to 10,506,033 in 2017.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2018, there are 465.38 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 64.68 millions or 16.14% compares to 400.70 millions in 2017.
Out of 465.376 millions transactions, 282.262 millions or 60.65% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 40.768 millions or 16.88% compares to 241.494 millions in 2017.
183.114 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 23.910 millions or 15.02% compares to 159.204 millions in 2017.
The total credit card payments for 2018 is CHF$43.86 billions in value, an increase of CHF$3.53 billions or 8.75% compares to CHF$40.33 billions in 2017.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2018 is slower than the increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$101 per transaction in 2017 to CHF$94 per transaction in 2018.
Out of CHF$43.86 billions, CHF$23.29 billions(CHF$83 per transaction) or 53.16% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$1.85 billions or 8.63% compares to CHF$21.44 billions(CHF$89 per transaction) in 2017.
CHF$20.57 billions(CHF$112 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$1.68 billions or 8.89% compares to CHF$18.89 billions(CHF$119 per transaction) in 2017.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2018, there are 7.034 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.085 millions or 1.22% compares to 6.949 millions in 2017.
Out of 7.034 millions cash withdrawals, 4.067 millions or 57.40% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.078 millions or 1.96% compares to 3.989 millions in 2017.
2.967 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.007 millions or 0.24% compares to 2.960 millions in 2017.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2018 is CHF$1.832 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.033 billions or 1.83% compares to CHF$1.799 billions in 2017.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for slightly larger amount, from CHF$259 per cash withdrawals in 2017 to CHF$260 per cash withdrawals in 2018. Out of CHF$1.832 billions,
CHF$1,055 millions(CHF$259 per transaction) or 57.92% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$13 millions or 1.25% compares to CHF$1,042 millions(CHF$261 per transaction) in 2017.
CHF$777 millions(CHF$262 per transaction) is recorded abroad, an increase of CHF$20 millions or 2.64% compares to CHF$757 millions(CHF$256 per transaction) in 2017.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2016-2017
As at 31st December 2017, there are 6,578,735 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 232,764 or 3.67% compares to 6,345,971 in 2016.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 18,034 or 0.17% to 10,506,033 in 2017, compares to 10,487,999 in 2016.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2017, there are 400.70 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 56.05 millions or 16.26% compares to 344.65 millions in 2016.
Out of 400.698 millions transactions, 241.494 millions or 60.27% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 37.150 millions or 18.18% compares to 204.344 millions in 2016.
159.204 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 18.898 millions or 13.47% compares to 140.306 millions in 2016.
The total credit card payments for 2017 is CHF$40.33 billions in value, an increase of CHF$3.51 billions or 9.53% compares to CHF$36.82 billions in 2016.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2017 is slower than the increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$107 per transaction in 2016 to CHF$101 per transaction in 2017.
Out of CHF$40.33 billions, CHF$21.44 billions(CHF$89 per transaction) or 53.16% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$1.85 billions or 9.44% compares to CHF$19.59 billions(CHF$96 per transaction) in 2016.
CHF$18.89 billions(CHF$119 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$1.65 billions or 9.57% compares to CHF$17.24 billions(CHF$123 per transaction) in 2016.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2017, there are 6.949 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, a decrease of 0.138 millions or 1.95% compares to 7.087 millions in 2016.
Out of 6.949 millions cash withdrawals, 3.989 millions or 57.40% transactions is recorded domestically, a decrease of 0.076 millions or 1.87% compares to 4.065 millions in 2016.
2.960 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, a decrease of 0.062 millions or 2.05% compares to 3.022 millions in 2016.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2017 is CHF$1.799 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.016 billions or 0.88% compares to CHF$1.815 billions in 2016.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for slightly larger amount, from CHF$256 per cash withdrawals in 2016 to CHF$259 per cash withdrawals in 2017. Out of CHF$1.799 billions,
CHF$1,042 millions(CHF$261 per transaction) or 57.92% is recorded domestically, a decrease of CHF$5 millions or 0.48% compares to CHF$1,047 millions(CHF$258 per transaction) in 2016.
CHF$757 millions(CHF$256 per transaction) is recorded abroad, a decrease of CHF$11 millions or 1.43% compares to CHF$768 millions(CHF$254 per transaction) in 2016.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2015-2016
As at 31st December 2016, there are 6,345,971 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 153,920 or 2.49% compares to 6,192,051 in 2015.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 426,136 or 4.24% to 10,487,999 in 2016, compares to 10,061,863 in 2015.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2016, there are 344.65 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 48.20 millions or 16.26% compares to 296.45 millions in 2015.
Out of 344.655 millions transactions, 204.344 millions or 59.29% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 32.515 millions or 18.92% compares to 171.829 millions in 2015.
140.306 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 15.683 millions or 12.58% compares to 124.623 millions in 2015.
The total credit card payments for 2016 is CHF$36.82 billions in value, an increase of CHF$1.96 billions or 5.62% compares to CHF$34.86 billions in 2015.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2016 is slower than the increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$118 per transaction in 2015 to CHF$107 per transaction in 2016.
Out of CHF$36.82 billions, CHF$19.59 billions(CHF$96 per transaction) or 53.20% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$1.28 billions or 6.99% compares to CHF$18.31 billions(CHF$107 per transaction) in 2015.
CHF$17.24 billions(CHF$123 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$0.70 billions or 4.23% compares to CHF$16.54 billions(CHF$133 per transaction) in 2015.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2016, there are 7.087 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.105 millions or 1.50% compares to 6.982 millions in 2015.
Out of 7.087 millions cash withdrawals, 4.065 millions or 57.36% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.072 millions or 1.80% compares to 3.993 millions in 2015.
3.022 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.033 millions or 1.10% compares to 2.989 millions in 2015.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2016 is CHF$1.815 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.018 billions or 0.98% compares to CHF$1.833 billions in 2015.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for slightly smaller amount, from CHF$263 per cash withdrawals in 2015 to CHF$256 per cash withdrawals in 2016. Out of CHF$1.815 billions,
CHF$1,047 millions(CHF$258 per transaction) or 57.69% is recorded domestically, a decrease of CHF$15 millions or 1.41% compares to CHF$1,062 millions(CHF$266 per transaction) in 2015.
CHF$768 millions(CHF$254 per transaction) is recorded abroad, a decrease of CHF$3 millions or 0.39% compares to CHF$771 millions(CHF$258 per transaction) in 2015.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2014-2015
As at 31st December 2015, there are 6,192,051 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 183,991 or 3.06% compares to 6,008,060 in 2014.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 252,661 or 2.58% to 10,061,863 in 2015, compares to 9,809,202 in 2014.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2015, there are 296.45 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 26.74 millions or 9.91% compares to 269.71 millions in 2014.
Out of 296.45 millions transactions, 171.829 millions or 57.96% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 21.709 millions or 14.46% compares to 150.120 millions in 2014.
124.623 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 5.038 millions or 4.21% compares to 119.585 millions in 2014.
The total credit card payments for 2015 is CHF$34.86 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.35 billions or 1.01% compares to CHF$34.51 billions in 2014.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2015 is slower than the increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded. This is due to the 1.43% decrease in value for foreign purchases.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$128 per transaction in 2014 to CHF$118 per transaction in 2015.
Out of CHF$34.86 billions, CHF$18.31 billions(CHF$107 per transaction) or 52.52% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.58 billions or 3.27% compares to CHF$17.73 billions(CHF$118 per transaction) in 2014.
CHF$16.54 billions(CHF$133 per transaction) is for foreign purchases, a decrease of CHF$0.24 billions or 1.43% compares to CHF$16.78 billions(CHF$140 per transaction) in 2014.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2015, there are 6.982 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, a decrease of 0.33 millions or 4.51% compares to 7.312 millions in 2014.
Out of 6.982 millions cash withdrawals, 3.993 millions or 57.19% transactions is recorded domestically, a decrease of 0.153 millions or 3.69% compares to 4.146 millions in 2014.
2.989 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, a decrease of 0.177 millions or 5.59% compares to 3.166 millions in 2014.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2015 is CHF$1.833 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.108 billions or 5.56% compares to CHF$1.941 billions in 2014.
Credit card cash withdrawals is being utilized for slightly smaller amount, from CHF$265 per cash withdrawals in 2014 to CHF$263 per cash withdrawals in 2015. Out of CHF$1.833 billions,
CHF$1,062 millions(CHF$266 per transaction) or 57.94% is recorded domestically, a decrease of CHF$17 millions or 1.58% compares to CHF$1,079 millions(CHF$260 per transaction) in 2014.
CHF$771 millions(CHF$258 per transaction) is recorded abroad, a decrease of CHF$91 millions or 10.56% compares to CHF$862 millions(CHF$272 per transaction) in 2014.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2013-2014
As at 31st December 2014, there are 6,008,060 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, a decrease of 138,640 or 2.26% compares to 6,146,700 in 2013.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 700,202 or 7.69% to 9,809,202 in 2014, compares to 9,109,000 in 2013. As at 28th February 2015, there are 6,014,334 credit cards and 9,945,188 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2014, there are 269.71 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 29.48 millions or 12.27% compares to 240.23 millions in 2013.
Out of 269.71 millions transactions, 150.120 millions or 55.66% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 19.237 millions or 14.70% compares to 130.883 millions in 2013.
119.585 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 10.239 millions or 9.36% compares to 109.346 millions in 2013.
The total credit card payments for 2014 is CHF$34.51 billions in value, an increase of CHF$1.81 billions or 5.54% compares to CHF$32.70 billions in 2013.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2014 in correspondence with increased in total number of credit card transactions recorded. Credit cards usage in Switzerland continue to grow despite the decreased in number of credit cards.
Interestingly, credit card is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$136 per transaction in 2013 to CHF$128 per transaction in 2014. Out of CHF$34.51 billions, CHF$17.73 billions(CHF$118 per transaction)
or 51.38% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.88 billions or 5.22% compares to CHF$16.85 billions(CHF$126 per transaction) in 2013. CHF$16.78 billions(CHF$140 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$0.93 billions or 5.87% compares to CHF$15.85 billions(CHF$145 per transaction) in 2013.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2014, there are 7.312 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.291 millions or 4.14% compares to 7.021 millions in 2013.
Out of 7.312 millions cash withdrawals, 4.146 millions or 56.70% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.227 millions or 5.79% compares to 3.919 millions in 2013.
3.166 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.064 millions or 2.06% compares to 3.102 millions in 2013.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2014 is CHF$1.941 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.009 billions or 0.47% compares to CHF$1.932 billions in 2013.
The total credit card cash withdrawals value has a small increased due to lower total cash withdrawals value recorded abroad. Credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$275 per cash withdrawals in 2013 to CHF$265 per cash withdrawals in 2014. Out of CHF$1.941 billions, CHF$1,079 millions(CHF$260 per transaction)
or 55.59% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$29 millions or 2.76% compares to CHF$1,050 millions(CHF$268 per transaction) in 2013. CHF$862 millions(CHF$272 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, a decrease of CHF$20 millions or 2.27% compares to CHF$882 millions(CHF$284 per transaction) in 2013.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2012-2013
As at 31st December 2013, there are 6,146,700 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 380,600 or 6.60% compares to 5,766,100 in 2012.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 244,000 or 2.75% to 9,109,000 in 2013, compares to 8,865,000 in 2012. It is interesting to note that yearly percentage growth of credit cards
in Switzerland has always surpassed growth in debit cards. As at 31st January 2014, there are 6,167,500 credit cards and 9,107,200 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2013, there are 240.23 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 24.49 millions or 11.35% compares to 215.74 millions in 2012.
Out of 240.23 millions transactions, 130.883 millions or 54.48% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 12.043 millions or 10.13% compares to 118.840 millions in 2012.
109.346 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 12.443 millions or 12.84% compares to 96.903 millions in 2012.
The total credit card payments for 2013 is CHF$32.70 billions in value, an increase of CHF$1.87 billions or 6.07% compares to CHF$30.83 billions in 2012.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2013 is correspondence to the increased in number of credit cards. Interestingly, credit card
is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$143 per transaction in 2012 to CHF$136 per transaction in 2013. Out of CHF$32.70 billions, CHF$16.85 billions(CHF$126 per transaction)
or 51.53% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.72 billions or 4.46% compares to CHF$16.13 billions(CHF$136 per transaction) in 2012. CHF$15.85 billions(CHF$145 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$1.15 billions or 7.82% compares to CHF$14.70 billions(CHF$152 per transaction) in 2012.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2013, there are 7.021 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.561 millions or 8.68% compares to 6.460 millions in 2012.
Out of 7.021 millions cash withdrawals, 3.919 millions or 55.82% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.289 millions or 7.96% compares to 3.630 millions in 2012.
3.102 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.272 millions or 9.61% compares to 2.830 millions in 2012.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2013 is CHF$1.932 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.109 billions or 5.98% compares to CHF$1.823 billions in 2012.
The total credit card cash withdrawals value has increased in correspondence with the increase in number of cash withdrwals transaction. Credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$282 per cash withdrawals in 2012 to CHF$275 per cash withdrawals in 2013. Out of CHF$1.932 billions, CHF$1,050 millions(CHF$268 per transaction)
or 54.35% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$51 millions or 5.11% compares to CHF$999 millions(CHF$275 per transaction) in 2012. CHF$882 millions(CHF$284 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, an increase of CHF$58 millions or 7.04% compares to CHF$824 millions(CHF$291 per transaction) in 2012.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2011-2012
As at 31st December 2012, there are 5,766,100 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 264,500 or 4.81% compares to 5,501,600 in 2011.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 306,300 or 3.58% to 8,865,000 in 2012, compares to 8,558,700 in 2011. As at 31st May 2013, there are 5,937,200 credit
cards and 8,954,200 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2012, there are 215.74 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 25.43 millions or 13.36% compares to 190.31 millions in 2011.
Out of 215.74 millions transactions, 118.840 millions or 55.08% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 14.532 millions or 13.93% compares to 104.31 millions in 2011.
96.903 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 10.904 millions or 12.68% compares to 85.999 millions in 2011.
The total credit card payments for 2012 is CHF$30.83 billions in value, an increase of CHF$1.63 billions or 5.58% compares to CHF$29.20 billions in 2011.
The increase in total value for credit card transactions in 2012 is correspondence to the increased in number of credit cards. Interestingly, credit card
is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$153 per transaction in 2011 to CHF$143 per transaction in 2012. Out of CHF$30.83 billions, CHF$16.13 billions(CHF$136 per transaction)
or 52.32% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.49 billions or 3.13% compares to CHF$15.64 billions(CHF$150 per transaction) in 2011. CHF$14.70 billions(CHF$152 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$1.13 billions or 8.33% compares to CHF$13.57 billions(CHF$158 per transaction) in 2011.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2012, there are 6.460 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.558 millions or 9.45% compares to 5.902 millions in 2011.
Out of 6.460 millions cash withdrawals, 3.630 millions or 56.19% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.313 millions or 9.44% compares to 3.317 millions in 2011.
2.830 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.245 millions or 9.48% compares to 2.585 millions in 2011.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2012 is CHF$1.823 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.101 billions or 5.87% compares to CHF$1.722 billions in 2011.
The total credit card cash withdrawals value has increased in correspondence with the increase in number of cash withdrwals transaction. Credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$292 per cash withdrawals in 2011 to CHF$282 per cash withdrawals in 2012. Out of CHF$1.823 billions, CHF$999 millions(CHF$275 per transaction)
or 54.80% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$41 millions or 4.28% compares to CHF$958 millions(CHF$289 per transaction) in 2011. CHF$824 millions(CHF$291 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, an increase of CHF$60 millions or 7.85% compares to CHF$764 millions(CHF$295 per transaction) in 2011.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2010-2011
As at 31st December 2011, there are 5,501,600 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 366,900 or 7.14% compares to 5,134,700 in 2010.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 327,000 or 3.97% to 8,558,700 in 2011, compares to 8,231,700 in 2010. As at 31st July 2012, there are 5,654,900 credit
cards and 8,742,300 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2011, there are 190.31 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 22.29 millions or 13.27% compares to 168.02 millions in 2010.
Out of 190.31 millions transactions, 104.308 millions or 54.81% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 8.18 millions or 8.51% compares to 96.128 millions in 2010.
85.999 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 14.109 millions or 19.63% compares to 71.890 millions in 2010.
The total credit card payments for 2011 is CHF$29.20 billions in value, an increase of CHF$0.83 billions or 2.93% compares to CHF$28.37 billions in 2010.
The total value for credit card transactions in 2011 has a slower increase in comparisons to the increased in number of credit cards and transactions volume. Interestingly, credit card
is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$169 per transaction in 2010 to CHF$153 per transaction in 2011. Out of CHF$29.20 billions, CHF$15.64 billions(CHF$150 per transaction)
or 53.56% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.2 billions or 1.30% compares to CHF$15.44 billions(CHF$161 per transaction) in 2010. CHF$13.57 billions(CHF$158 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$0.63 billions or 4.87% compares to CHF$12.94 billions(CHF$180 per transaction) in 2010.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2011, there are 5.902 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.354 millions or 6.38% compares to 5.548 millions in 2010.
Out of 5.902 millions cash withdrawals, 3.317 millions or 56.20% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.276 millions or 9.08% compares to 3.041 millions in 2010.
2.585 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.078 millions or 3.11% compares to 2.507 millions in 2010.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2011 is CHF$1.722 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.03 billions or 1.71% compares to CHF$1.752 billions in 2010.
Even though the number of credit card cash withdrawals transactions in 2011 has increased, the total value has decreased. This is due to the fact that credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$316 per cash withdrawals in 2010 to CHF$292 per cash withdrawals in 2011. Out of CHF$1.722 billions, CHF$958 millions(CHF$289 per transaction)
or 55.63% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$41 millions or 4.47% compares to CHF$917 millions(CHF$302 per transaction) in 2010. CHF$764 millions(CHF$295 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, a decrease of CHF$71 millions or 8.50% compares to CHF$835 millions(CHF$333 per transaction) in 2010.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2009-2010
As at 31st December 2010, there are 5,134,700 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 332,900 or 6.93% compares to 4,801,800 in 2009.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 330,700 or 4.19% to 8,231,700 in 2010, compares to 7,901,000 in 2009. As at 31st July 2011, there are 5,350,900 credit
cards and 8,375,700 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2010, there are 168.02 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 16.22 millions or 10.69% compares to 151.8 millions in 2009.
Out of 168.02 millions transactions, 96.128 millions or 57.21% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 6.099 millions or 6.77% compares to 90.029 millions in 2009.
71.890 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 10.121 millions or 16.39% compares to 61.769 millions in 2009.
The total credit card payments for 2010 is CHF$28.37 billions in value, an increase of CHF$1.61 billions or 6.02% compares to CHF$26.76 billions in 2009.
The total value for credit card transactions in 2010 has increased in accordance to the increased in number of credit cards and transactions volume. Interestingly, credit card
is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$176 per transaction in 2009 to CHF$169 per transaction in 2010. Out of CHF$28.37 billions, CHF$15.44 billions(CHF$161 per transaction)
or 54.42% is for domestic purchases, an increase of CHF$0.8 billions or 5.46% compares to CHF$14.64 billions(CHF$163 per transaction) in 2009. CHF$12.94 billions(CHF$180 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, an increase of CHF$0.83 billions or 6.85% compares to CHF$12.11 billions(CHF$196 per transaction) in 2009.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2010, there are 5.548 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.168 millions or 3.14% compares to 5.379 millions in 2009.
Out of 5.548 millions cash withdrawals, 3.041 millions or 54.81% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.189 millions or 6.63% compares to 2.852 millions in 2009.
2.507 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, a decrease of 0.02 millions or 0.79% compares to 2.527 millions in 2009.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2010 is CHF$1.752 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.03 billions or 1.68% compares to CHF$1.782 billions in 2009.
Even though the number of credit card cash withdrawals transactions in 2010 has increased, the total value has decreased. This is due to the fact that credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$331 per cash withdrawals in 2009 to CHF$316 per cash withdrawals in 2010. Out of CHF$1.752 billions, CHF$917 millions(CHF$302 per transaction)
or 52.34% is recorded domestically, an increase of CHF$22 millions or 2.46% compares to CHF$895 millions(CHF$314 per transaction) in 2009. CHF$835 millions(CHF$333 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, a decrease of CHF$52 millions or 5.86% compares to CHF$887 millions(CHF$351 per transaction) in 2009.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2008-2009
As at 31st December 2009, there are 4,801,800 credit cards(AMEX, MC, Diners, Visa) in Switzerland, an increase of 247,100 or 5.43% compares to 4,554,700 in 2008.
Debit cards(Maestro, Postcard) increase by 294,300 or 3.87% to 7,901,000 in 2009, compares to 7,606,700 in 2008. As at 31st July 2010, there are 4,960,400 credit
cards and 8,036,400 debit cards in Switzerland.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
In 2009, there are 151.8 millions of credit card payment transactions, an increase of 10.27 millions or 7.26% compares to 141.53 millions in 2008.
Out of 151.8 millions transactions, 90.029 millions or 59.31% transactions is recorded for domestic purchases, an increase of 3.976 millions or 4.62% compares to 86.053 millions in 2008.
61.769 millions transactions is recorded for foreign purchases, an increase of 6.294 millions or 11.35% compares to 55.475 millions in 2008.
The total credit card payments for 2009 is CHF$26.76 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.58 billions or 2.12% compares to CHF$27.34 billions in 2008.
Even though the number of credit cards and transactions in 2009 has increased, the total value has decreased. This is due to the fact that credit card
is being used for increasingly smaller purchases, from CHF$193 per transaction in 2008 to CHF$176 per transaction in 2009. Out of CHF$26.76 billions, CHF$14.64 billions(CHF$163 per transaction)
or 54.71% is for domestic purchases, a decrease of CHF$0.34 billions or 2.27% compares to CHF$14.98 billions(CHF$174 per transaction) in 2008. CHF$12.11 billions(CHF$196 per transaction) is for
foreign purchases, a decrease of CHF$0.25 billions or 2.02% compares to CHF$12.36 billions(CHF$223 per transaction) in 2008.
Total Cash Withdrawals with Credit Card in Volume and Value
In 2009, there are 5.379 millions of credit card cash withdrawals transactions, an increase of 0.14 millions or 2.67% compares to 5.239 millions in 2008.
Out of 5.379 millions cash withdrawals, 2.852 millions or 53.02% transactions is recorded domestically, an increase of 0.096 millions or 3.48% compares to 2.756 millions in 2008.
2.527 millions cash withdrawals is recorded abroad, an increase of 0.044 millions or 1.77% compares to 2.483 millions in 2008.
The total credit card cash withdrawals for 2009 is CHF$1.782 billions in value, a decrease of CHF$0.043 billions or 2.36% compares to CHF$1.825 billions in 2008.
Even though the number of credit card cash withdrawals transactions in 2009 has increased, the total value has decreased. This is due to the fact that credit card cash withdrawals
is being utilized for increasingly smaller amount, from CHF$348 per cash withdrawals in 2008 to CHF$331 per cash withdrawals in 2009. Out of CHF$1.782 billions, CHF$895 millions(CHF$314 per transaction)
or 50.22% is recorded domestically, a decrease of CHF$8 millions or 0.89% compares to CHF$903 millions(CHF$328 per transaction) in 2008. CHF$887 millions(CHF$351 per transaction) is recorded
abroad, a decrease of CHF$35 millions or 3.8% compares to CHF$922 millions(CHF$371 per transaction) in 2008.
Credit Cards in Switzerland 2007-2008
As of 2008, Switzerland has a population of 7.7 millions with a GDP(gross domestic product) of CHF$541.26 billions. This
translates into CHF$70,291 of GDP per capita, a high and respectable figure in Europe.
As at 31st December 2008, there are 12,108,000 payment cards issued in Switzerland(1.57 cards per capita), an increase of 828,000 or 7.34% compares to 11,280,000 in 2007.
There are 4,501,000 credit cards in Switzerland as at 31st December 2008, an increase of 191,000 or 4.43% compares to 4,310,000 in 2007.
Debit cards increase by 637,000 or 9.14% to 7,607,000 in 2008, compares to 6,970,000 in 2007.
Total Card Payments in Volume and Value
For 2008, there are 483.84 millions of card payment transactions in Switzerland(62.83 transactions per capita), an increase of 45 millions or 10.25% compares to 438.84 millions in 2007.
Out of these transactions, 140.56 millions or 29.05% is paid by credit cards, an increase of 10.8 millions or 8.32% compares to 129.76 millions in 2007. The rest of card payment
transactions(343.28 millions) are paid by debit cards, an increase of 34.20 millions or 11.07% compares to 309.08 millions in 2007. The increase in transactions volume for both, credit
cards and debit cards are in accordance with increase in the number of respective cards issued.
The total card payments for 2008 is CHF$80.53 billions in value(CHF$10,485.44 per capita - one of the highest in Europe), an increase of CHF$4.61 billions or 6.07% compares to CHF$75.92 billions in 2007.
This also translates into CHF$166.44 per card payment transaction, a smaller amount compares to CHF$173.00 in 2007. Payment cards is used for a higher amount purchases in Switzerland compares
to other countries in Europe. Out of these transactions, CHF$27.19 billions or 33.76% is paid by credit cards, an increase of CHF$1.25 billions or 4.82% compares to CHF$25.94 billions in 2007. The rest of card
payments, CHF$53.34 billions in value is paid by debit cards, an increase of CHF$3.36 billions or 6.72% compares to CHF$49.98 billions in 2007. The increase in transactions value for both, credit cards and debit
cards are in accordance with increase in the number of respective cards issued, as well as the transactions volume.