You shop, you earn. Simple.
As soon as you start shopping with Pockit at any of our 26 Cashback partners, you start earning. And that can be anything from 2%, to a whopping 10% back!
And more good news... the cashback you get is on top of any promotions they’re offering, instore or online. How handy is that.
No limits to how often you save!
You earn cashbacks every single time you shop with our partners. Makes no difference if that’s just once or loads of times. You shop, you earn. That’s that.
Our most commonly asked cashback questions
How do we know how much Cashback you are owed?
The Pockit retailers you shop and save with notify us at the end of the month that you made your purchase. We then pay the cashbacks you are due into your Pockit account. Simple as that.
How long will it take for Cashbacks to reach your account?
It can take up to 60 days for a retailer to pay us the cashback you are due. As soon as we receive it from them, we pass it to you as quickly as we can.
How can you keep track of the Cashbacks you have earned?
Your online account shows you a very clear Cashback statement. It details the date you made your purchase, the retailer and the amount you have been credited.
Where can I spend the cashback I earn?
Simple answer - wherever you like, it’s your money to enjoy how you want.