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Versicherungen in Deutschland
In 2014, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 533,100(compares 547,600 in 2013; a 2.65% decrease), with an investment of 1.39 EUR trillion. There are 548 insurance companies in Germany in 2014, compares to 560 in 2013. Out of the 548 companies, 87 is in life insurance business, 47 in the health insurance business, 206 in the property & casualty insurance business and 30 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2014 is 192,439 EUR million, an increase of 5,130 EUR million or 2.74% compares to 187,309 EUR million in 2013. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 48.68% or 93,673 EUR million of the gross premium written; 18.80% or 36,185 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 32.52% or 62,581 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,383 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2014, €99 more compares to €2,284 in 2013. Insurance penetration in Germany increase on average from 6.84% in 2013 to 6.60% in 2014.

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Versicherungen in Deutschland 2012-2013

The Germany insurance industry is one of the largest in European insurance, ranked third after United Kingdom and falling back against France(in second place) in total gross written premiums. However, Germany ranked #1 when it comes general insurance premium income.

In 2013, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 547,600(compares 554,700 in 2012; a 1.28% decrease), with an investment of 1.39 EUR trillion. There are 560 insurance companies in Germany in 2013, compares to 570 in 2012. Out of the 570 companies, 90 is in life insurance business, 48 in the health insurance business, 210 in the property & casualty insurance business and 29 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2013 is 187,309 EUR million, an increase of 5,722 EUR million or 3.15% compares to 181,587 EUR million(out of 459.4 million insurance contracts) in 2012. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 48.49% or 90,829 EUR million of the gross premium written; 19.18% or 35,924 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 32.33% or 60,556 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,284 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2013, €65 more compares to €2,219 in 2012. Insurance penetration in Germany increase on average from 6.81% in 2012 to 6.84% in 2013.

Versicherungen in Deutschland 2011-2012

The Germany insurance industry is one of the largest in European insurance, ranked second after United Kingdom and surpassing France(in third place) for the first time since 2003 in total gross written premiums. However, Germany ranked #1 when it comes general insurance premium income.

In 2012, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 554,700(compares 558,200 in 2011; a 0.63% decrease), with an investment of 1.35 EUR trillion. There are 570 insurance companies in Germany in 2012, compares to 578 in 2011. Out of the 570 companies, 93 is in life insurance business, 49 in the health insurance business, 211 in the property & casualty insurance business and 32 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2012 is 181,587 EUR million(out of 459.4 million insurance contracts), an increase of 3,504 EUR million or 1.97% compares to 178,083 EUR million(out of 457 million insurance contracts) in 2011. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 48.10% or 87,340 EUR million of the gross premium written; 19.62% or 35,628 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 32.28% or 58,619 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,219 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2012, €41 more compares to €2,178 in 2011. Insurance penetration in Germany decrease on average from 6.82% in 2011 to 6.81% in 2012.

Versicherungen in Deutschland 2010-2011

The Germany insurance industry is one of the largest in European insurance, ranked third after United Kingdom and France in total gross written premiums. However, Germany ranked #1 when it comes general insurance premium income.

In 2011, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 558,200(compares 561,600 in 2010; a 0.6% decrease), with an investment of 1.29 EUR trillion. There are 578 insurance companies in Germany in 2011, compares to 582 in 2010. Out of the 580 companies, 94 is in life insurance business, 48 in the health insurance business, 215 in the property & casualty insurance business and 34 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2011 is 178,083 EUR million(out of 457 million insurance contracts), a decrease of 762 EUR million or 0.43% compares to 178,845 EUR million(out of 454.7 million insurance contracts) in 2010. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 48.74% or 86,801 EUR million of the gross premium written; 19.47% or 34,667 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 31.79% or 56,615 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,178 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2011, €8 less compares to €2,186 in 2010. Insurance penetration in Germany decrease on average from 7.22% in 2010 to 6.82% in 2011.

Versicherungen in Deutschland 2009-2010

The Germany insurance industry is one of the largest in European insurance, ranked third after United Kingdom and France in total gross written premiums. However, Germany ranked #1 when it comes general insurance premium income.

In 2010, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 561,600(compares 555,500 in 2009; a 1.1% growth), with an investment of 1.26 EUR trillion. There are 582 insurance companies in Germany in 2010, compares to 596 in 2009. Out of the 582 companies, 95 is in life insurance business, 48 in the health insurance business, 211 in the property & casualty insurance business and 36 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2010 is 178,845 EUR million(out of 454.7 million insurance contracts), an increase of 7,428 EUR million or 4.33% compares to 171,417 EUR million(out of 449.9 million insurance contracts) in 2009. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 50.52% or 90,355 EUR million of the gross premium written; 18.60% or 33,270 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 30.87% or 55,219 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

The total insurance benefits/claims(leistungen) paid for 2010 is 187,223 EUR million, an increase of 5,531 EUR million or 3.04% compares to 181,692 EUR million in 2009. 107,944 EUR million is paid for life insurance benefits; 36,000 EUR million is paid for health insurance claims; and 43,279 EUR million is paid for property & casualty insurance claims.

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,186 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2010, €96 more compares to €2,090 in 2009. Insurance penetration in Germany is 7.22% in 2010, similar to 2009.

Versicherungen in Deutschland 2008-2009

The Germany insurance industry is one of the largest in European insurance, ranked third after United Kingdom and France in total gross written premiums. However, Germany ranked #1 when it comes general insurance premium income.

In 2009, the insurance industry in Germany has a labour force of 555,500(compares 531,900 in 2008; a 4.44% growth), with an investment of 1.21 EUR trillion. There are 596 insurance companies in Germany in 2009, compares to 607 in 2008. Out of the 596 companies, 96 is in life insurance business, 51 in the health insurance business, 217 in the property & casualty insurance business and 38 reinsurers.

The total gross premium for 2009 is 171,417 EUR million(out of 449.9 million insurance contracts), an increase of 6,885 EUR million or 4.18% compares to 164,532 EUR million(out of 446.5 million insurance contracts) in 2008. Lebensversicherung/Life insurance made up 49.73% or 85,248 EUR million of the gross premium written; 18.36% or 31,468 EUR million is for health insurance(krankenversicherung); and 31.91% or 54,701 EUR million is for property & casualty insurance(Schaden-/Unfall-Versicherung).

The total insurance benefits/claims(leistungen) paid for 2009 is 181,692 EUR million, an increase of 35,383 EUR million or 24.18% compares to 146,309 EUR million in 2008. 104,604 EUR million is paid for life insurance benefits; 35,191 EUR million is paid for health insurance claims; and 41,897 EUR million is paid for property & casualty insurance claims.

On a per capita basis, an average of €2,096 was spent on insurance in Germany in 2009, €90 more compares to €2,006 in 2008. Insurance penetration in Germany increased on average from 6.63% in 2008 to 7.15% in 2009.


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