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Verzekeringen in Nederland
Supervised insurers(Onder toezicht staande verzekeraars)
As at 31 December 2014, there are 283 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, an increase of 55 insurers or 24.12% compares to 228 insurers in the same period in 2013.
At the end of 2014, there are 39 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 1 insures or 2.50% compares to 40 life insurers at the end of 2013. Meanwhile, there are 26 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), a decrease of 2 insures or 7.14% compares to 28 funeral in kind insurers in 2013. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 129 insurers at the end of 2014, a decrease of 18 insurers or 12.24% compares to 147 non-life insurers at the end of 2013.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2014, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €17,465 millions, a decrease of €804 millions or 4.40% compares to €18,269 millions in 2013. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €114 millions in 2014, a decrease of €1 or 0.87% compares to €115 in 2013. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €1,236 millions, a decrease of €61 millions or 4.70% compares to €1,297 millions in 2013. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €56,301 millions, a decrease of €885 millions or 1.55% compares to €57,186 millions in 2013.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2014 is €25,487 millions, an increase of €1,645 millions or 6.90% compares to €23,842 millions in 2013. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2014 is €45 millions, a decrease of €8 millions or 15.09% compares to €53 millions in 2013. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €6 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), no benefits paid for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) in 2014 and €39 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €388 millions, a decrease of €275 millions or 41.48% compares to €663 millions in 2013. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2014 is €49,882 millions, a decrease of €227 millions or 0.45% compares to €50,109 millions in 2013.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €45,048 millions collected in 2014, a decrease of €67 millions or 0.15% compares to €45,115 millions in 2013. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €3,933 millions in 2014, a decrease of €442 millions or 10.10% compares to €4,375 millions in 2013. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €666 millions in 2014, a decrease of €114 millions or 14.62% compares to €780 millions in 2013. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,449 millions in 2014, a decrease of €215 millions or 5.87% compares €3,664 millions in 2013. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,203 millions in 2014, a decrease of €48 millions or 1.48% compares to €3,251 millions in 2013.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2014 is €42,405 millions, an increase of €64 millions or 0.15% compares to €42,341 millions in 2013. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €2,902 millions in 2014, a decrease of €346 millions or 10.65% compares to €3,248 millions in 2013. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €580 millions in 2014, a decrease of €69 millions or 10.63% compares to €649 millions in 2013. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,243 millions in 2014, an increase of €144 millions or 6.86% compares to €2,099 millions in 2013. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €1,752 millions in 2014, a decrease of €20 millions or 1.13% compares to €1,772 millions in 2013.
In conclusion, the total gross claims paid has decreased by 0.45%, which is in accordance with the 1.55% decrease recorded in total gross premiums in 2014.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.

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Verzekeringen in Nederland 2012-2013

Supervised insurers(Onder toezicht staande verzekeraars)
As at 31 December 2013, there are 228 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, a decrease of 22 insurers or 8.80% compares to 250 insurers in the same period in 2012.
At the end of 2013, there are 40 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 3 insures or 6.98% compares to 43 life insurers at the end of 2012. Meanwhile, there are 28 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), remained the same numbers at the end of 2012. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 147 insurers at the end of 2013, a decrease of 17 insurers or 10.37% compares to 164 non-life insurers at the end of 2012.
In 2013, Netherlands ranked fifth in European insurance industry in terms of total gross written premiums.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2013, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €18,269 millions, a decrease of €716 millions or 3.77% compares to €18,985 millions in 2012. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €115 millions in 2013, a decrease of €2 or 1.71% compares to €117 in 2012. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €1,297 millions, an increase of €485 millions or 59.73% compares to €812 millions in 2012. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €57,186 millions, an increase of €1,025 millions or 1.83% compares to €56,161 millions in 2012.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2013 is €23,842 millions, a decrease of €1,363 millions or 5.41% compares to €25,205 millions in 2012. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2013 is €53 millions, an increase of €7 millions or 15.22% compares to €46 millions in 2012. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €6 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), no benefits paid for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) in 2013 and €47 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €663 millions, an increase of €315 millions or 90.52% compares to €348 millions in 2012. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2013 is €50,109 millions, an increase of €6,398 millions or 14.64% compares to €43,711 millions in 2012.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €45,115 millions collected in 2013, an increase of €1,311 millions or 2.99% compares to €43,804 millions in 2012. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €4,375 millions in 2013, a decrease of €124 millions or 2.76% compares to €4,499 millions in 2012. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €780 millions in 2013, a decrease of €79 millions or 9.20% compares to €859 millions in 2012. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,664 millions in 2013, a decrease of €34 millions or 0.92% compares €3,698 millions in 2012. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,251 millions in 2013, a decrease of €50 millions or 1.51% compares to €3,301 millions in 2012.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2013 is €42,341 millions, an increase of €6,217 millions or 17.21% compares to €36,124 millions in 2012. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €3,248 millions in 2013, a decrease of €72 millions or 2.17% compares to €3,320 millions in 2012. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €649 millions in 2013, an increase of €23 millions or 3.67% compares to €626 millions in 2012. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,099 millions in 2013, an increase of €51 millions or 2.49% compares to €2,048 millions in 2012. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €1,772 millions in 2013, an increase of €179 millions or 11.24% compares to €1,593 millions in 2012.
In conclusion, the total gross claims paid has increased by 14.64%, despite only 1.83% increase recorded in total gross premiums in 2013.

Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €4,497 was spent on insurance in Nederland in 2013, €5 more compares to €4,492 in 2012.
Insurance penetration in Nederland decreased on average from 12.54% in 2012 to 12.52% in 2013.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.

Verzekeringen in Nederland 2011-2012

Supervised insurers(Onder toezicht staande verzekeraars)
As at 31 December 2012, there are 250 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, a decrease of 21 insurers or 7.75% compares to 271 insurers in the same period in 2011.
At the end of 2012, there are 43 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 1 insures or 2.27% compares to 44 life insurers at the end of 2011. Meanwhile, there are 28 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), decrease by 1 insurer or 3.45% compares to 29 funeral in kind insurers at the end of 2011. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 164 insurers at the end of 2012, a decrease of 15 insurers or 8.38% compares to 179 non-life insurers at the end of 2011.
In 2012, Netherlands ranked fifth in European insurance industry in terms of total gross written premiums.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2012, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €18,985 millions, a decrease of €2,925 millions or 13.35% compares to €21,910 millions in 2011. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €117 millions in 2012, an increase of €7 or 6.36% compares to €110 in 2011. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €812 millions, a decrease of €13 millions or 1.58% compares to €825 millions in 2011. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €56,161 millions, a decrease of €680 millions or 1.20% compares to €56,841 millions in 2011.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2012 is €25,205 millions, an increase of €1,138 millions or 4.73% compares to €24,067 millions in 2011. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2012 is €46 millions, an increase of €3 millions or 6.98% compares to €43 millions in 2011. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €5 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), no benefits paid for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) in 2012 and €41 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €348 millions, an increase of €28 millions or 8.75% compares to €320 millions in 2011. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2012 is €43,711 millions, a decrease of €4,086 millions or 8.55% compares to €47,797 millions in 2011.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €43,804 millions collected in 2012, a decrease of €699 millions or 1.57% compares to €44,503 millions in 2011. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €4,499 millions in 2012, a decrease of €88 millions or 1.92% compares to €4,587 millions in 2011. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €859 millions in 2012, an increase of €4 millions or 0.47% compares to €854 millions in 2011. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,698 millions in 2012, an increase of €183 millions or 5.21% compares €3,515 millions in 2011. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,301 millions in 2012, a decrease of €81 millions or 2.40% compares to €3,382 millions in 2011.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2012 is €36,124 millions, a decrease of €3,868 millions or 9.67% compares to €39,992 millions in 2011. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €3,320 millions in 2012, a decrease of €76 millions or 2.24% compares to €3,396 millions in 2011. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €626 millions in 2012, an increase of €70 millions or 12.59% compares to €556 millions in 2011. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,048 millions in 2012, a decrease of €147 millions or 6.70% compares to €2,195 millions in 2011. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €1,593 millions in 2012, a decrease of €65 millions or 3.92% compares to €1,658 millions in 2011.
In conclusion, the total gross claims paid has decreased by 8.55%, which is in accordance with the 1.20% decrease in total gross premiums in 2012.

Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €4,492 was spent on insurance in Nederland in 2012, €292 less compares to €4,784 in 2011.
Insurance penetration in Nederland decreased on average from 13.23% in 2011 to 12.54% in 2012.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.

Verzekeringen in Nederland 2010-2011

Supervised insurers(Onder toezicht staande verzekeraars)
As at 31 December 2011, there are 271 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, a decrease of 24 insurers or 8.14% compares to 295 insurers in the same period in 2010.
At the end of 2011, there are 44 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 6 insures or 12% compares to 50 life insurers at the end of 2010. Meanwhile, there are 29 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), decrease by 3 insurer or 9.38% compares to 32 funeral in kind insurers at the end of 2010. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 179 insurers at the end of 2011, a decrease of 34 insurers or 15.96% compares to 213 non-life insurers at the end of 2010
In 2011, Netherlands ranked fifth in in European insurance industry in terms of total gross written premiums.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2011, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €21,910 millions, an increase of €324 millions or 1.50% compares to €21,586 millions in 2010. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €110 millions in 2011, the sames as in 2010. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €825 millions, a decrease of €41 millions or 4.73% compares to €866 millions in 2010. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €56,841 millions, an increase of €549 millions or 0.98% compares to €56,292 millions in 2010.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2011 is €24,067 millions, a decrease of €234 millions or 0.96% compares to €24,301 millions in 2010. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2011 is €43 millions, a decrease of €3 millions or 6.52% compares to €46 millions in 2010. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €5 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), no benefits paid for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) in 2011 and €38 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €320 millions, a decrease of €19 millions or 5.60% compares to €339 millions in 2010. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2011 is €47,797 millions, an increase of €1,896 millions or 4.07% compares to €45,928 millions in 2010.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €44,503 millions collected in 2011, an increase of €1,148 millions or 2.65% compares to €43,355 millions in 2010. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €4,587 millions in 2011, a decrease of €48 millions or 1.04% compares to €4,635 millions in 2010. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €854 millions in 2011, an increase of €35 millions or 4.27% compares to €819 millions in 2010. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,515 millions in 2011, a decrease of €217 millions or 5.81% compares €3,732 millions in 2010. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,382 millions in 2011, a decrease of €367 millions or 9.79% compares to €3,749 millions in 2010.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2011 is €39,992 millions, an increase of €2,057 millions or 5.42% compares to €37,935 millions in 2010. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €3,396 millions in 2011, a decrease of €72 millions or 2.08% compares to €3,468 millions in 2010. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €556 millions in 2011, an increase of €10 millions or 1.83% compares to €546 millions in 2010. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,195 millions in 2011, an increase of €158 millions or 7.76% compares to €2,037 millions in 2010. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €1,658 millions in 2011, a decrease of €284 millions or 14.62% compares to €1,942 millions in 2010.
In conclusion, even though the total gross claims paid has increased by 4.07%, the total gross premiums has a small growth rate of mere 0.98% in 2011.

Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €4,784 was spent on insurance in Nederland in 2011, €27 more compares to €4,757 in 2010.
Insurance penetration in Nederland decreased on average from 13.40% in 2010 to 13.23% in 2011.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.

Verzekeringen in Nederland 2009-2010

As at 31 December 2010, there are 295 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, a decrease of 25 insurers or 7.81% compares to 320 insurers in the same period in 2009. The number of insurers has been constantly decreasing in Netherlands from the high number of 466 in 1999.
At the end of 2010, there are 50 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 12 insures or 19.35% compares to 62 life insurers at the end of 2009. Meanwhile, there are 32 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), decrease by 1 insurer or 3.03% compares to 33 funeral in kind insurers at the end of 2009. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 213 insurers at the end of 2010, a decrease of 12 insurers or 5.33% compares to 225 non-life insurers at the end of 2009.
At the end of Q3 2011, the number of insurers continues to decrease to 278; with 29 insurers of funeral in kind insurers, life insurers decrease to 43, non-life insurers decrease to 189 and 17 re-insurers.
In 2010, Netherlands ranked fifth in European insurance industry in terms of total gross written premiums.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2010, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €21,586 millions, a decrease of €1,815 millions or 7.76% compares to €23,401 millions in 2009. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €110 millions in 2010, an increase of €4 millions or 3.77% compares to €106 millions in 2009. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €866 millions, a decrease of €25 millions or 2.97% compares to €841 millions in 2009. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €56,292 millions, an increase of €3,010 millions or 5.65% compares to €53,282 millions in 2009.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2010 is €24,301 millions, an increase of €2,726 millions or 12.63% compares to €21,575 millions in 2009. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2010 is €46 millions, an increase of €4 millions or 9.52% compares to €42 millions in 2009. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €10 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), no benefits paid for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) in 2010 and €36 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €339 millions, an increase of €13 millions or 3.99% compares to €326 millions in 2009. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2010 is €45,928 millions, an increase of €1,112 millions or 2.48% compares to €44,816 millions in 2009.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €43,355 millions collected in 2010, an increase of €2,863 millions or 7.07% compares to €40,492 millions in 2009. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €4,635 millions in 2010, an increase of €96 millions or 2.12% compares to €4,539 millions in 2009. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €819 millions in 2010, a decrease of €40 millions or 4.66% compares to €859 millions in 2009. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,732 millions in 2010, an increase of €56 millions or 1.52% compares €3,676 millions in 2009. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,749 millions in 2010, an increase of €32 millions or 0.86% compares to €3,717 millions in 2009.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2010 is €37,935 millions, an increase of €1,607 millions or 4.42% compares to €36,328 millions in 2009. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €3,468 millions in 2010, a decrease of €16 millions or 0.46% compares to €3,484 millions in 2009. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €546 millions in 2010, a decrease of €15 millions or 2.67% compares to €561 millions in 2009. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,037 millions in 2010, a decrease of €37 millions or 1.78% compares to €2,074 millions in 2009. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €1,942 millions in 2010, a decrease of €427 millions or 18.02% compares to €2,369 millions in 2009.
In conclusion, even though the total gross claims paid has increased by 2.48%, the total gross premiums has a growth rate of 5.65% in 2010.

Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €4,747 was spent on insurance in Nederland in 2010, €38 more compares to €4,709 in 2009.
Insurance penetration in Nederland decreased on average from 13.50% in 2009 to 13.33% in 2010.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.

Verzekeringen in Nederland 2008-2009

As at 31 December 2009, there are 320 supervised insurers in the Netherlands, a decrease of 15 insurers or 4.48% compares to 335 insurers in the same period in 2008.
At the end of 2009, there are 62 life insurers(levensverzekeraars), a decrease of 5 insures or 7.46% compares to 67 life insurers at the end of 2008. Meanwhile, there are 33 funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars), decrease by 1 insurer or 2.94% compares to 34 funeral in kind insurers at the end of 2008. For non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars), there are 225 insurers at the end of 2009, a decrease of 9 insurers or 3.85% compares to 234 non-life insurers at the end of 2008.
At the end of Q2 2010, the number of insurers continues to decrease to 306; with no change to the number of funeral in kind insurers, but life insurers decrease to 58 and non-life insurers decrease to 215.
In 2009, Netherlands ranked fifth in European insurance industry in terms of total gross written premiums.

Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto Premie en Bruto Betaalde Schade)
For 2009, the life insurance insurers(levensverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €23,401 millions, a decrease of €3,045 millions or 11.51% compares to €26,446 millions in 2008. Funeral in kind insurers(natura-uitvaartverzekeraars) collected a total gross premiums of €106 millions in 2009, a significant decrease of €25 millions or 19.08% compares to €131 millions in 2008. Total gross premiums collected by reinsurers (herverzekeraars) is €841 millions, a decrease of €50 millions or 5.61% compares to €891 millions in 2008. Lastly, the non-life insurers(schadeverzekeraars) inclusive of health insurance funds(ziekenfondsen) has the largest collected gross premiums with a total €53,282 millions. Non-life insurers is the only sector enjoying increase in gross premiums collection with a small growth of €1,215 millions or 2.33%.

The total gross benefits/claims paid by life insurance insurers in 2009 is €21,575 millions, a decrease of €709 millions or 3.18% compares to €22,284 millions in 2008. Meanwhile, the total gross benefits/claims paid by funeral in kind insurers in 2009 is €42 millions, an increase of €3 millions or 7.69% compares to €39 millions in 2008. The total gross benefits/claims for funeral in kind insurers can be further broken down as €9 millions for funerals for third parties(Uitvaarten door derden), €1 millions for funerals 'in house'(uitvaarten eigen bedrijf) and €32 millions for benefits in cash(uitkeringen in geld). Reinsurers paid total gross benefits/claims of €326 millions, a decrease of €9 millions or 2.69% compares to €335 millions in 2008. The gross claims paid by non-life insurers for 2009 is €44,816 millions, an increase of €2,938 millions or 7.02% compares to €41,878 millions in 2008.

Non-Life Insureres Gross Premiums and Gross Claims Paid(Bruto premie en Bruto betaalde schade)
The non-life insureres gross premiums and gross claims paid can be futher broken down into 5 categories. The accident(ongevallen) and health(ziekte) insurance has the highest total gross premiums with €40,492 millions collected in 2009, an increase of €1,626 millions or 4.18% compares to €38,866 millions in 2008. Motor Vehicle Insurance(motorrijtuigen) comes second with total gross premiums collection of €4,539 millions in 2009, a decrease of €91 millions or 1.97% compares to €4,630 millions in 2008. Marine, transport and aviation insurance(zee, transport en luchtvaart) recorded a total gross premiums of €859 millions in 2009, a decrease of €31 millions or 3.48% compares to €890 millions in 2008. Fire and other property risks insurance(brand en andere schade aan zaken) has a total gross premiums of €3,676 millions in 2009, a decrease of €59 millions or 1.58% compares €3,735 millions in 2008. Lastly, other non-life insurance(overige branches) has a total gross premiums of €3,717 millions in 2009, a decrease of €205 millions or 5.23% compares to €3,922 millions in 2008.
The total gross claims paid for accident and health insurance in 2009 is €36,328 millions, an increase of €2,438 millions or 7.19% compares to €33,890 millions in 2008. Motor vehicle insurance has a total gross claims paid of €3,484 millions in 2009, an increase of €78 millions or 2.29% compares to €3,406 millions in 2008. Meanwhile the marine, transport and aviation insurance has a total gross claims paid of €561 millions in 2009, an increase of €58 millions or 11.53% compares to €503 millions in 2008. The fire and other property risks insurance recorded a total gross claims paid of €2,074 millions in 2009, an increase of €68 millions or 3.39% compares to €2,006 millions in 2008. Lastly, other non-life insurance has a total gross claims paid of €2,369 millions in 2009, an increase of €297 millions or 14.33% compares to €2,072 millions in 2008.
In conclusion, even though the total gross premiums has a growth rate of 2.33% in 2009, the total gross claims paid has increased by 7.02%.

Insurance density and penetration
On a per capita basis, an average of €4,709 was spent on insurance in Nederland in 2009, €139 less compares to €4,848 in 2008.
Insurance penetration in Nederland decreased on average from 13.35% in 2008 to 13.50% in 2009.

Note: These statistics do not cover the entire Dutch market, as they exclude the data from foreign insurers that have taken out insurance in the Netherlands, directly or through a branch-office. Smaller-sized mutual insurance corporations that are exempt from supervision are not included either. The statistics do include the foreign operations of Dutch insurers.
Dat betreft niet de gehele Nederlandse markt. De gegevens van buitenlandse verzekeraars die verzekeringen in Nederland hebben afgesloten, direct of via een bijkantoor, zijn niet opgenomen. Ook kleinere onderlinge waarborgmaatschappijen, die vrijgesteld zijn van het toezicht, zijn niet opgenomen. De buitenlandse activiteiten van Nederlandse verzekeraars zijn wel opgenomen.


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