Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2013-2014
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2014 is CHF 188.0 billion. CHF 61.2 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 126.8 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 61.2 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 32.6 billion for life insurance,
CHF 26.2 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 2.4 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 126.8 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 40.4 billion for life insurance, CHF 37.4 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 49.0 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2015, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 113,500 people(66,000 abroad and 47,500 locally).
In 2014, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 11.7 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 10.1 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.7 billion premium, Helvetia with CHF 4.5 billion premium and Bâloise with CHF 4.5 billion premium.
In 2014, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2014, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 58,845 million, a decrease of 0.02% or CHF 12 million compares to CHF 58,857 million on 2013.
On a per capita basis, an average of CHF 7,186 was spent on insurance in Switzerland in 2014, CHF 135 less compares to CHF 7,321 in 2013.
Insurance penetration in Switzerland has decrease on average from 9.27% in 2013 to 9.14% in 2014.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2014 is CHF 32,640 million, a decrease of 0.08% or CHF 25 million compares to CHF 32,665 million in 2013.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 9,616 million in premium in 2014, a decrease of 0.40% or CHF 39 million compares to CHF 9,655 million in 2013.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,860 million in premium in 2014, an increase of 1.54% or CHF 89 million compares to CHF 5,771 million in 2013.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 4,028 million in premium in 2014, a decrease of 2.02% or CHF 83 million compares to CHF 4,111 million in 2013.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,921 million in premium in 2014, a decrease of 0.31% or CHF 9 million compares to CHF 2,930 million in 2013.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,934 million in premium in 2014, a decrease of 0.72% or CHF 14 million compares to CHF 1,948 million in 2013.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 906 million in premium in 2014, an increase of 6.21% or CHF 53 million compares to CHF 853 million in 2013.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 413 million in premium in 2014, a decrease of 4.40% or CHF 19 million compares to CHF 432 million in 2013.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 527 million in premium in 2014, an increase of 7.11% or CHF 35 million compares to CHF 492 million in 2013.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2012-2013
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2013 is CHF 183.5 billion. CHF 61.0 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 122.5 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 61.0 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 32.7 billion for life insurance,
CHF 26.2 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 2.1 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 122.5 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 36.2 billion for life insurance, CHF 41.2 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 45.1 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2014, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 117,068 people(69,236 abroad and 47,832 locally).
In 2013, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 12.1 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 9.0 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.7 billion premium, Helvetia with CHF 4.4 billion premium and Bâloise with CHF 4.4 billion premium.
In 2013, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2013, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 58,857 million, an increase of 3.22% or CHF 1,834 million compares to CHF 57,023 million on 2012.
On a per capita basis, an average of CHF 7,321 was spent on insurance in Switzerland in 2013, CHF 153 more compares to CHF 7,168 in 2012.
Insurance penetration in Switzerland has increase on average from 9.14% in 2012 to 9.27% in 2013.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2013 is CHF 32,665 million, an increase of 4.94% or CHF 1,539 million compares to CHF 31,126 million in 2012.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 9,655 million in premium in 2013, an increase of 1.99% or CHF 188 million compares to CHF 9,467 million in 2012.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,771 million in premium in 2013, an increase of 2.11% or CHF 119 million compares to CHF 5,652 million in 2012.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 4,111 million in premium in 2013, a decrease of 0.60% or CHF 25 million compares to CHF 4,136 million in 2012.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,930 million in premium in 2013, a decrease of 1.84% or CHF 55 million compares to CHF 2,985 million in 2012.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,948 million in premium in 2013, an increase of 1.67% or CHF 32 million compares to CHF 1,916 million in 2012.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 853 million in premium in 2013, an increase of 2.77% or CHF 23 million compares to CHF 830 million in 2012.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 432 million in premium in 2013, a decrease of 3.36% or CHF 15 million compares to CHF 447 million in 2012.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 492 million in premium in 2013, an increase of 6.03% or CHF 28 million compares to CHF 464 million in 2012.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2011-2012
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2012 is CHF 178.7 billion. CHF 58.9 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 119.8 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 58.9 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 31.1 billion for life insurance,
CHF 25.9 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 1.9 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 119.8 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 39.3 billion for life insurance, CHF 38.4 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 42.1 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2013, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 122,424 people(74,024 abroad and 48,400 locally).
In 2012, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 11.4 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 8.3 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 5.1 billion premium, Allianz Suisse with CHF 4.1 billion premium and Helvetia with CHF 4.0 billion premium.
In 2012, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2012, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 57,023 million, an increase of 2.10% or CHF 1,171 million compares to CHF 55,852 million on 2011.
On a per capita basis, an average of CHF 7,168 was spent on insurance in Switzerland in 2012, CHF 71 more compares to CHF 7,097 in 2011.
Insurance penetration in Switzerland has increase on average from 9.03% in 2011 to 9.14% in 2012.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2012 is CHF 31,126 million, an increase of 1.85% or CHF 564 million compares to CHF 30,562 million in 2011.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 9,467 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 2.39% or CHF 221 million compares to CHF 9,246 million in 2011.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,652 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 2.56% or CHF 141 million compares to CHF 5,511 million in 2011.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 4,136 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 3.66% or CHF 146 million compares to CHF 3,990 million in 2011.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,985 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 0.67% or CHF 20 million compares to CHF 2,965 million in 2011.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,916 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 0.63% or CHF 12 million compares to CHF 1,904 million in 2011.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 830 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 2.72% or CHF 22 million compares to CHF 808 million in 2011.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 447 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 4.68% or CHF 20 million compares to CHF 427 million in 2011.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 464 million in premium in 2012, an increase of 5.69% or CHF 25 million compares to CHF 439 million in 2011.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2010-2011
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2011 is CHF 165.8 billion. CHF 57.7 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 108.1 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 57.7 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 30.6 billion for life insurance,
CHF 25.3 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 1.8 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 108.1 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 37.8 billion for life insurance, CHF 37.0 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 33.3 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2012, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 122,565 people(74,553 abroad and 48,012 locally).
In 2011, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 11.9 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 8.1 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.4 billion premium, Bâloise and Helvetia with CHF 4.1 billion premium and Allianz Suisse with CHF 3.9 billion premium.
In 2011, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2011, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 55,852 million, an increase of 1.41% or CHF 774 million compares to CHF 55,078 million on 2010.
On a per capita basis, an average of CHF 7,097 was spent on insurance in Switzerland in 2011, CHF 23 more compares to CHF 7,074 in 2010.
Insurance penetration in Switzerland has decrease on average from 9.09% in 2010 to 9.03% in 2011.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2011 is CHF 30,562 million, an increase of 1.44% or CHF 433 million compares to CHF 30,129 million in 2010.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 9,246 million in premium in 2011, an increase of 4.25% or CHF 377 million compares to CHF 8,869 million in 2010.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,511 million in premium in 2011, an increase of 1.79% or CHF 97 million compares to CHF 5,414 million in 2010.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 3,990 million in premium in 2011, a decrease of 1.21% or CHF 49 million compares to CHF 4,048 million in 2010.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,965 million in premium in 2011, a decrease of 1.36% or CHF 41 million compares to CHF 3,006 million in 2010.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,904 million in premium in 2011, a decrease of 2.96% or CHF 58 million compares to CHF 1,962 million in 2010.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 808 million in premium in 2011, an increase of 5.07% or CHF 39 million compares to CHF 769 million in 2010.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 427 million in premium in 2011, an increase of 9.92% or CHF 47 million compares to CHF 474 million in 2010.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 439 million in premium in 2011, an increase of 7.86% or CHF 32 million compares to CHF 407 million in 2010.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2009-2010
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2010 is CHF 168.5 billion. CHF 56.5 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 112 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 56.5 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 30.1 billion for life insurance,
CHF 24.9 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 1.5 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 112 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 45 billion for life insurance, CHF 37.2 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 29.8 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2011, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 122,168 people(73,509 abroad and 48,659 locally).
In 2010, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 10.6 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 7.5 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.4 billion premium, Bâloise with CHF 4.1 billion premium and Allianz Suisse with CHF 3.9 billion premium.
In 2010, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2010, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 55,078 million, an increase of 2.71% or CHF 1,452 million compares to CHF 53,626 million on 2009.
On a per capita basis, an average of CHF 7,074 was spent on insurance in Switzerland in 2010, CHF 111 more compares to CHF 6,963 in 2009.
Insurance penetration in Switzerland has decrease on average from 9.67% in 2009 to 9.09% in 2010.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2010 is CHF 30,129 million, an increase of 2.41% or CHF 709 million compares to CHF 29,420 million in 2009.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 8,869 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 3.21% or CHF 276 million compares to CHF 8,593 million in 2009.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,414 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 0.91% or CHF 49 million compares to CHF 5,365 million in 2009.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 4,048 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 6.44% or CHF 245 million compares to CHF 3,803 million in 2009.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 3,006 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 2.18% or CHF 64 million compares to CHF 2,942 million in 2009.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,962 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 1.87% or CHF 36 million compares to CHF 1,926 million in 2009.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 769 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 4.77% or CHF 35 million compares to CHF 734 million in 2009.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 474 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 3.72% or CHF 17 million compares to CHF 457 million in 2009.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 407 million in premium in 2010, an increase of 5.44% or CHF 21 million compares to CHF 386 million in 2009.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2008-2009
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2009 is CHF 183.2 billion. CHF 55.9 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 127.3 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 55.9 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 29.4 billion for life insurance,
CHF 24.2 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 2.3 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 127.3 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 42.2 billion for life insurance, CHF 46.1 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 39.0 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2010, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 122,510 people(73,124 abroad and 49,386 locally).
In 2009, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 10.2 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 7.5 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.3 billion premium, Allianz Suisse with CHF 4 billion premium and Bâloise with CHF 3.9 billion premium.
In 2009, Switzerland ranked seventh in European insurance market in terms of total gross written premiums.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz
In 2009, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 53,626 million, an increase of 0.5% or CHF 269 million compares to CHF 53,357 million on 2008.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2009 is CHF 29,420 million, a decrease of 0.63% or CHF 187 million compares to CHF 29,607 million in 2008.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 8,593 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 0.05% or CHF 4 million compares to CHF 8,589 million in 2008..
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,365 million in premium in 2009, a decrease of 0.52% or CHF 28 million compares to CHF 5,393 million in 2008.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 3,803 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 7.07% or CHF 251 million compares to CHF 3,552 million in 2008.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,942 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 4.66% or CHF 131 million compares to CHF 2,811 million in 2008.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,926 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 3.55% or CHF 66 million compares to CHF 1,860 million in 2008.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 734 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 2.51% or CHF 18 million compares to CHF 716 million in 2008.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 457 million in premium in 2009, a decrease of 2.35% or CHF 11 million compares to CHF 468 million in 2008.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 386 million in premium in 2009, an increase of 6.93% or CHF 25 million compares to CHF 361 million in 2008.
Versicherungsmarkt Schweiz 2007-2008
Total premium volume of Switzerland private insurance companies in 2008 is CHF 176.8 billion. CHF 56.3 billion is recorded in Switzerland and
CHF 120.5 billion is recorded abroad. The CHF 56.3 billion premium recorded in Switzerland is made up of CHF 29.6 billion for life insurance,
CHF 29.6 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 2.9 billion for reinsurance. Whereas the CHF 120.5 billion recorded abroad is made up of
CHF 31.8 billion for life insurance, CHF 41.7 billion for non-life insurance and CHF 47.0 billion for reinsurance.
As at 1 January 2009, insurance companies in Switzerland employing 129,227 people(79,991 abroad and 49,236 locally).
In 2008, AXA Winterthur is the top market leader in Switzerland with CHF 10.3 billion premium recorded, followed by Swiss Life CHF 8.2 billion premium,
Zurich with CHF 4.5 billion premium, Allianz Suisse and Bâloise with CHF 3.9 billion premium.
Prämieneinnahmen Schweiz 2007-2008
In 2008, the total premium revenue for Switzerland is CHF 53,442 million, an increase of 6.83% or CHF 3,418 million compares to CHF 50,024 million on 2007.
The total premium revenue can be brokendown as follows:-
- Life insurance(lebensversicherung) in 2008 is CHF 29,607 million, an increase of 3.13% or CHF 898 million compares to CHF 28,709 million in 2007.
- Health insurance - without compulsory basic health insurance(Krankenversicherung - ohne grundversicherung) recorded CHF 8,687 million in premium.
- Motor insurance(Motorfahrzeug) recorded CHF 5,396 million in premium in 2008, an increase of 0.48% or CHF 26 million compares to CHF 5,370 million in 2007.
- Fire /natural hazards, other property damage insurance(Feuer und Elementarschaden, übrige Sachschäden) recorded CHF 3,552 million in premium in 2008, an increase of 2.30% or CHF 80 million compares to CHF 3,472 million in 2007.
- Accident insurance(Unfall) recorded CHF 2,818 million in premium in 2008, a decrease of 0.11% or CHF 3 million compares to CHF 2,821 million in 2007.
- General and occupational liability insurance(Allgemeine und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung) recorded CHF 1,857 million in premium in 2008, a decrease of 2.01% or CHF 38 million compares to CHF 1,895 million in 2007.
- Credit and surety, financial loss and road service insurance(Kredit und Kaution, Finanzielle Verluste und Verkehrsservice) recorded CHF 698 million in premium in 2008, an increase of 10.09% or CHF 64 million compares to CHF 634 million in 2007.
- Ocean marine, aviation, transport insurance(See- und Luftfahrt, Transport) recorded CHF 466 million in premium in 2008, a decrease of 0.21% or CHF 1 million compares to CHF 467 million in 2007.
- Legal protection(Rechtsschutz) recorded CHF 361 million in premium in 2008, an increase of 6.80% or CHF 23 million compares to CHF 338 million in 2007.